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  1. T

    What Is It?

    Looks like a tool to compress a coilover shock..... that's my best guess.
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    Last ride of the fall - god I love this car!

    I hope the pics post properly. This was our last run of the Fall. Post your pics......a guy can never have too many pics for his screensaver. :D
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    Zaino or Meguiars NXT ???

    Uhhhh... Seriously, is it just your free-flowing exhaust that allows gases to ignite as they exit......or is there something wrong with your car? I hope this isn't what happens with high HP cars.
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    Maui members...?? Anyone??

    Thinking of running off to Maui and tying the knot sometime in the next few months. Any VCA members on Maui? Nothing could be cooler than a few wedding pics with a Viper involved! Any model and any color would be great. That's a little too far to ship my snake for a few photos, so I thought...
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    Another "spot the problem" ebay auction:

    Re: Another Hmmm.. nope. Other than Gen 2 wheels, which I prefer anyhow. C'mon I give up.
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    Who sell this rings?

    If anyone finds a source of these, let us know. I would be interested (not the painted ones..) Thanks
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    Not the battery problem I expected...

    I've been having problems with a relatively new battery (1 yr old). And at the gas station yesterday it refused to start. After finally getting it home and tearing into it.... One of the fill caps on the battery (not a sealed type) had vibrated loose and the battery water/acid had leaked out...
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    4 ohm or 8 ohm?

    Yep, I put a new deck and all new speakers in my '95 rt/10. The crossovers were so large, they had to be tucked up under the dash on both sides. I had alpine 6" and tweeters put in the doors and a pair of JL audio 6" subwoofers in the middle. I think JL audio was the only one at the time to...
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    Any Viper cornholers around?

    Cool embroidery, but what the he11 are they for?? Might have a hard time marketing them with that title...
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    Best rear tires for street?

    I just bought a set of Kumho V700's (all 4) for 17" rims and I got them shipped to my door for $780.00. Visit - they have them in stock!
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    Wife Said Buy the Wheels

    I say if the wife supports you spending $5 large on wheels, SHE'S A KEEPER!! Congrats, and if you haven't sold the wheels yet, how much?
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    Not all Viper people are good guys

    Yep, the DEA just seized one in Oregon from a drug manufacturer. I wonder what kind of deal could be had at one of those auctions???? Hmmm.... I think I'll find out.
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    Noble M12...sweet car

    Here I was, taking the snake for a stroll tonight and saw a car I'd never even heard of before. Maybe some of you real car aficionado's have seen these. It was a Noble M12 GTO 3R. Holy Toledo!!! It weighs 2100 lbs and puts out 400hp. Apparently the rolling chassis is made in South Africa...
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    If Painting Rotors...

    I hope you are referring to the calipers...
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    VEC2 and Jesel rockers for sale!!!

    I have a 1995 rt/10. How much for the VEC 2, and is it still new in packaging??? Are they an easy DIY project? Thanks
  16. T

    Full coverage on financed Viper?

    No way around it. The insurance would cover any unforseen incidents while in storage such as things falling on it, theft of the car, etc. I know it sucks to pay for it, but think if something happened to the car and you had to pay repairs/replacement out of YOUR pocket... I asked my bank the...
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    HELP! Last Request - Gen I Shift Light Install

    Just peel back a small portion of the plastic several inches back from the PCM head. Wrap on the shift light and start the car. Run the RPM's to your setting and if the light comes on, you've got the right wire! If not, try again and you only have to repair a small bare spot on the wire. If...
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    rice pics!!!!!!

    Check out the ground effects kit on the yellow civic..........those resemble the aluminum gutters on my house!!! No I'm serious, take a close look!
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    Ricer in jail for 142 mph on highway!

    Just read that a 19 yr. old guy was arrested a couple of nights ago for driving 142 mph in his 1992 "modified" Honda Civic. It was on I-205 for those of you who know Portland. And yep, he was arrested and lodged in jail for Reckless Driving. The article also made note that the highest speed...
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    Looking for used "hot air" intake for gen 1

    Looking for used \"hot air\" intake for gen 1 Some of you have expressed dissatisfaction with the dual cone-shaped filter systems. Has anyone removed a set they wouldn't mind selling? I know Belanger makes them and they don't give much/any HP gains, but I want to experiment a little and give...
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    chrome intake

    IEATVETS, you have a PM
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    NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy? (w/Instructions!!!)

    Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy? Thanks so much.....guess I oughta' invest in a shop manual!
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    NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy? (w/Instructions!!!)

    Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy? Is this "Powertrain Control Module" you speak of the wiring assembly on the passenger side? Sorry for the naivety, but I'm not an electrician and don't want to be tapping into the wrong "cavity 8".... Oh, and sorry but I...
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    Shift light wire for Gen 1... which is the coil wire?

    By the way, the Raptor shift light was even smaller in person than it looked in the photos. VERY nice! But which wire do I tap into on my '95 rt/10? I don't want to hack into six or seven wires to find the right one. Anybody have a shop manual or just install one? Thanks. Oh, and which...
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    (2005) Membership card came today & renewal gifts

    As a new VCA member and after hearing all of this (and no, I haven't received any membership card, etc.) I am starting to wonder where that 100 bucks went. Sounds like there's no uniformity to what you get and when you get it. And no patch or sticker for new members......what kind of incentive...

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