I got it all today. I really like the new card. Much improved over the previous card with all generations of the Vipers on it.

The actually called me back. Said tht'd put an order in for a re-print & that I should expect to receive something within a month.
Had been a member since 1998. Did not renew this year as I have no confidence in the administrative capabilities of the VCA. Seems you can't depend on them living up to their end of the deal anymore. Reading this thread just confirms the fact that I have not received Viper Mag(FALL & WINTER '04) or VCA notes while I was a member last year. Fool me once...that's it.
Had been a member since 1998. Did not renew this year as I have no confidence in the administrative capabilities of the VCA. Seems you can't depend on them living up to their end of the deal anymore. Reading this thread just confirms the fact that I have not received Viper Mag(FALL & WINTER '04) or VCA notes while I was a member last year. Fool me once...that's it.
Thanks for changing my status to Viper Owner so quickly < 24 hours. Too bad the Club dosen't react as fast or even acknowledge those on this thread that have problems with their membership to get them corrected. If I had not told you I was not a member this year you would have never known and changed my status to Owner. Thanks to the Club for having their priorities straight.
Former 7 year member![]()
p.s. didn't even get my first year of membership free for being an original purchaser of a new Viper....why no retro benefit or credit for the Mags I did not get?![]()
Had been a member since 1998. Did not renew this year as I have no confidence in the administrative capabilities of the VCA. Seems you can't depend on them living up to their end of the deal anymore. Reading this thread just confirms the fact that I have not received Viper Mag(FALL & WINTER '04) or VCA notes while I was a member last year. Fool me once...that's it.
Thanks for changing my status to Viper Owner so quickly < 24 hours. Too bad the Club dosen't react as fast or even acknowledge those on this thread that have problems with their membership to get them corrected. If I had not told you I was not a member this year you would have never known and changed my status to Owner. Thanks to the Club for having their priorities straight.
Former 7 year member![]()
p.s. didn't even get my first year of membership free for being an original purchaser of a new Viper....why no retro benefit or credit for the Mags I did not get?![]()
BTW, the post counter is broken. My last 2 posts were both numbered 1210.![]()
Thanks for changing my status to Viper Owner so quickly < 24 hours. Too bad the Club dosen't react as fast or even acknowledge those on this thread that have problems with their membership to get them corrected. If I had not told you I was not a member this year you would have never known and changed my status to Owner. Thanks to the Club for having their priorities straight.
Former 7 year member![]()
p.s. didn't even get my first year of membership free for being an original purchaser of a new Viper....why no retro benefit or credit for the Mags I did not get?![]()
Thanks for changing my status to Viper Owner so quickly < 24 hours. Too bad the Club dosen't react as fast or even acknowledge those on this thread that have problems with their membership to get them corrected. If I had not told you I was not a member this year you would have never known and changed my status to Owner. Thanks to the Club for having their priorities straight.
Former 7 year member![]()
p.s. didn't even get my first year of membership free for being an original purchaser of a new Viper....why no retro benefit or credit for the Mags I did not get?![]()
Dude...I have absolutely nothing to do with Viper HQ, or any issue you have. I try hard to take care of MY responsibilities, first and foremost...then I try to help in other areas. Changing your title had everything to do with THIS board. Let me guess...if we had drawn your name for a free Valentine 1 (open only to VCA Members, supposedly), you would have returned it??? I'll just nod my head and give you the benefit of the doubt. By the way...the COOL program, where new owners get their first month didn't exist for us "7 year members". It is relatively new....possibly 2001 or 2002, so you might not have qualified. If you actually did, had you spoke to your dealer? I know the people at Viper HQ have "The Great Karnak" thing going on pretty good...maybe their ESP was turned off the month you bought your Viper?
Again...By the can call me Mr. Moderator! LOL!!!! Thanks for clarifying that you were quite happy to be "seen" as a VCA Member, with access to the Members area and the drawings.....yet not actually be a member. I see you in a whole new light devilDOG. What makes you so sad is that I have had a few people sell their cars and contact me to do the honest thing. I guess they skipped that at fry class? I can't say that I remember your toils, but had you asked for help you certainly would have got it (especially if I had seen it). To use your own phrase.....goodbye.
PS...if you find an old thread where you ask for help....let me know! I am the first to admit when I am wrong...not that THAT happens often. And again...thanks for being so honest and forthright....NOT.
And your counter does not work. Look above and explain how more than one post has the same number. Do you know how to count?![]()
And your counter does not work. Look above and explain how more than one post has the same number. Do you know how to count?![]()
Let me see if I can type this VERY S-L-O-W-L-Y.....that little post counter increases EVERYWHERE on the board with EACH POST. It is NOT numbering EACH of your posts. Right now, ALL of your posts, displayed EVERYWHERE on the board, say 1214. If you post again...they ALL increase to 1215...get it?? LOL!!! It is a "rolling counter". ROFLMAO!!! Talk face to face? You have now got me laughing my ASP off as you sink to e-****!! LOL!! Not only are you dishonest, and a whining little ******...but you wanna be an e-**** as well. The bottom line is...if you didn't ask for help...nobody could help you (as if that was possible anyway)!!! Don't let the door HIT you wear the good Lord SPLIT you! First you're mad because somehting DIDN'T happen like it should have...then when it actually're upset. You also missed the point on the drawings. I was not questioning whether or not you had/have/want/love a, more accurately I was calling your character into question. You seem to have been happy enough to be listed as a member...while not actually being a member. Personally, I don't recall you asking for help....I think you have other issues and just want to blame it on something. Sometimes [******] happens....That aside, you got your ******* in a *** for some reason and want to justify it. Fine by me....but then don't come back and complain that your title is accurate now. You're killing me...can't breath from laughing too hard!! LOL!!
I bet my dad can beat up your dad.
I'm rubber... you're glue... what bounces off me.. sticks to you.
Point of order...YOU were whining like the e-****, whiny baby you are about this not happening or that not happening...basically crying like a baby. In your rant you made it clear you are no longer a VCA Member. I read that, then fixed your title. Case closed??? Nooooo.....whinydog had to come BACK and make a sarcastic post, thanking a moderator for changing her title. That right there tells me that you do care about it to some extent. Go ahead....scroll up, I dare you. Then you feel the need to make yourself look like an uber-loser by trying to think you are smarter than the board counter...have you actually got a grasp on how that counter thing works yet???
While you are scrolling up, take a moment to read my initial reply to you. It was NOT full of name calling...that only came after you decided to wanna play e-**** and go "face-to-face"....WOOOOOOOO IS ME!!!!!! I somewhat politely explained what I did, and why. Bottom line is you may be a face-to-face type of person...I couldn't care less really....but you strike me as dishonest and a person of little-to-no morals.
Honestly, I'm having a blast because EVERYTHING was there for you to get ANY help you needed (go ahead...scroll up again and see where I offer ANYONE with a membership problem my help) but you wanna cry like a little 5 year old. You, UNDOUBTEDLY, are providing someone a few you should feel good about yourself.
And that last bit, about being a failure....that is CLASSIC!! It is a classic sign that I have literally pushed you to the edge!! What will you post next? My daddy is bigger than yours? Or, how about, I'm telling mommy? ROFLMAO!!! Thanks for the entertainment....dingledog.
Had been a member since 1998. Did not renew this year as I have no confidence in the administrative capabilities of the VCA. Seems you can't depend on them living up to their end of the deal anymore. Reading this thread just confirms the fact that I have not received Viper Mag(FALL & WINTER '04) or VCA notes while I was a member last year. Fool me once...that's it.
Thanks for changing my status to Viper Owner so quickly < 24 hours. Too bad the Club dosen't react as fast or even acknowledge those on this thread that have problems with their membership to get them corrected. If I had not told you I was not a member this year you would have never known and changed my status to Owner. Thanks to the Club for having their priorities straight.
Former 7 year member
p.s. didn't even get my first year of membership free for being an original purchaser of a new Viper....why no retro benefit or credit for the Mags I did not get?
Yeah...that you chimed in and attacked my character and insulted me and violated your own rules...DIDN'T YOU! "All fun from that point"? You call insulting me fun and you are the moderator enforcing the rules? WELL [******] YOU! How's that for fun?Hmmm, I guess I need to type a l i t t l e m o r e s l o w l y f o r y o u.
Your first post wasHad been a member since 1998. Did not renew this year as I have no confidence in the administrative capabilities of the VCA. Seems you can't depend on them living up to their end of the deal anymore. Reading this thread just confirms the fact that I have not received Viper Mag(FALL & WINTER '04) or VCA notes while I was a member last year. Fool me once...that's it.
Following that, with ABSOLUTELY no comments exchanged between us, I changed your title...then you postedModerator,
Thanks for changing my status to Viper Owner so quickly < 24 hours. Too bad the Club dosen't react as fast or even acknowledge those on this thread that have problems with their membership to get them corrected. If I had not told you I was not a member this year you would have never known and changed my status to Owner. Thanks to the Club for having their priorities straight.
Former 7 year member
p.s. didn't even get my first year of membership free for being an original purchaser of a new Viper....why no retro benefit or credit for the Mags I did not get?
It wasn't until AFTER that little exchange between you and....well, YOURSELF, that I chimed in. All fun from that point because you seem to be in a fog or something.