
Legacy Member
VCA Member
Sep 26, 2010
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If you are still interested in being apart of The Viper Club of America, please click on the following link to renew your membership with the VCA. Thank you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all present, past and future Members of the Viper Club of America. We also want to say Merry Christmas to all vipers owners in the Viper Nation. The Viper Club of America would like to send our blessings and prayers to all of the Viper Nation traveling this holiday season. So please be careful! The Viper Club of America is looking forward to seeing everybody at our future events. I do know they are making plans for several large events, so watch for their posting.

I hope all of you got the email with the announcement of the new web site. The officers of the Viper Club of America took a long look at the site and we found the website was so out of date and the software company would no longer support the software we use. The next problem with the web site was the server size. It was just about full. We decided to update the forum software to a much better platform. It has a great new look, and alot more cool features then the older version of the forum. Check it out - VCA Forums. There has been only been one ascetic moment with the website. It was the email that was sent out by the VOA. Why can't they let the hate go. We have and are moving forward!

The next change to the Viper Club of America is the contact person. If I say that Janey is handling the clubs phone calls, I think most people will know who she is. If not I will explain. She is my better half, Janey White, anyone who has talked to her knows how she is and feels about the Viper Nation. While we are talking changes , I am stepping down from the President positon because my term is up. My replacement is Michael Puckett, he and his family are long time Viper owners and have many great ideas for the club. So, I will turn over the rest of this email to Michael........

Bill White, President
Viper Club of America

Greetings members, my name is Michael Puckett. I'm 30 years old and have been a Viper owner for 6 years. I got into the club several years ago after I purchased my car and saw some Vipers driving through my hometown. I thought, "that looks fun, I wonder if there is a club near me?". Sure enough, that was how I first found out about the Viper Club of America. I joined shortly thereafter and have been having fun with my Viper friends ever since.

My mother actually got me interested in Vipers as she wanted one since they first came out. We'd looked at a couple over the years, but they were usually in rough shape. Then, around 8 years ago, my parents finally found the one my mom always wanted, a red 94 RT/10. I drove it a few times and thought it was pretty fun, but decided if I was going to buy one myself I needed windows and a little more room for my feet since I planned to drive it pretty regularly. I searched the whole country and narrowed it down to just a few, but ended up flying to look at a 2004 with 43,000 miles which I then purchased and drove 13 hours home with my brother.

Fast forward to today and the odometer is nearing 117,000 and still ticking. That's right, I'm the crazy guy that daily drives a Viper pretty much year round. I've done both extremes - driving it halfway across the country for a road trip, and also on a track where you can really let it loose, and that's a thrill that's hard to beat.

I've been working on cars since I was a kid and have learned most of what I know from watching my dad, so I do as much of my own work as possible. The most extensive project I've tackled so far was pulling the whole dash out of my Viper to address a broken HVAC servo. As Viper Club of America’s President, I'm looking forward to doing what I can to try to simplify and optimize the way the club is run and to keep it thriving for many years to come!

Michael Puckett, President
Viper Club of America
