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  1. C

    WTF? Car keeps dying...

    So, how did the story end?:confused:
  2. C


    +1 Well said... I like speed and am a hard driver....always pushing......but, when I see a youtube video of cars street racing in traffic:mad:... I cringe....very very dumb....just looks stupid
  3. C

    WTF? Car keeps dying...

    +1 check motor mounts and wires for abrasion
  4. C

    First Time Solo2

    dude, nice drive:drive: :crazy2:
  5. C

    Jay Leno's garage - he does not have a Viper ??

    I thought Jay had a black roadster and one of the first 1996 GTS coupe B/W and has never sold them. :crazy2:
  6. C

    Radiator HELP please

    Whoa, you forgot one....with the least bad votes....STOCK brass radiator . I can send you a recore stock ( 3-row...better than stock) for $433 . Or, I can get you a new perfectly stock radiator . Good for 10 years. Ask Dan at DC which he prefers.....I think he knows a few things about...
  7. C

    Total Posts: 999,472!

    Well, the millionth post should be reserved for Camfab.....ifn he dares ever to post again ( check his post total) Crazy
  8. C

    Vipers got power but can't handle!!??

    ...and are also crude and not light and fun like a Boxster.?? See Nov 08 Car and Driver cover story/shoot-out : quote << "Viper ..ease of use...a neutral, progressive,perfectly balanced's a pussycat, which is a strange thing to say about a car with 600 hp. But it's content to...
  9. C

    Coupe vs I missing anything?

    Old rule established by convention: Convert + Auto = chick car /cruiser Coupe+man.stick= guy car /racer boy Sooo...convert + stick = ??? confused/metrosexual? BTW I love my coupe but ...really miss cruisn my convert on a warm summer eve with my lady next to me /
  10. C

    Took radiator out, won't go back in, !**#@

    :mad: Boy, do I feel stupid. Took stock rad out (leaking) and trying to put new used rad in...doesn't fit. I got the radiator in, but when i tried the stock fan module, it's hitting the stabilizer way:( Measured the two rads...seem identical. So I get the RM out and it says to...
  11. C

    Hennessey 600 Running Like Sh......t

    Boy, your use of caps is sure bugging me:mad:
  12. C

    Market Check ACR

    $50,000 is a fair price in present poor market conditions. If the economy picks up....then mid 50's
  13. C

    First time on the track: Advice?

    +1 Carefully inspect cooling system after every run. Also, find out what type of coolant is required at the track.
  14. C

    Power Steering Vent Tubes $15

    Payment sent....I didn't know to whom the check is to be made payable....I just stuffed some bills in the envelope. thanks again for a well engineered piece:cool:
  15. C

    Shifts while off but not at idle!?

    Sounds like a clutch problem... hopefully hydraulic . What Chuck said. At various times during the bleeding ....pump the clutch pedal as fast as possible ( like 3 times per sec). btw...was the fluid low whem you checked it?
  16. C

    Code 420

    That P0420 code means that the rear ( downstream ) 02 sensor is working fine but reads the same as the upstream 02 sensor...meaning there is a problem in the gas sample...NOT the O2 sensors.. BTW I don't have to read the FSM... I wrote it!!!!???:D:):cool:
  17. C

    YET another 08 issue

    It's not a matter of which dealership you go to...or trust. The repair is only as good as the mechanic working on your car that day ...and his mood and incentive. " WHY should I tip the mechanic or get to know him??? My car is covered under warranty. " Well....because it's your baby and you...
  18. C

    YET another 08 issue

    warranties are only as good as the mechanic working on your car at that time...and the mood and the incentive provided to him at that time....find out who is working on your car and tip him well. "'s covered under warranty...why should I have to pay anything???" because it is your...
  19. C

    Power Steering Vent Tubes $15

    Thanks Craig....well engineered and well made...great instructions. ..i'm happy:) I would only add ...make sure you can blow thru the cap vent before installing . There are two rubbers on the cap.....the seal and also the rubber splash shield. The splash shield on my cap had slid up the...
  20. C

    Best advice you ever got as a new viper owner? Share your knowledge

    Never ever let anyone else drive the Viper....not the state inspector, or even the "Viper tech" . One man had his Viper totaled by the mechanic at the DODGE DEALER while the mechanic went on a 8 mile road test after changing the oil and the battery:mad:. He was road testing an oil...
  21. C

    Code 420

    Make very sure you inspect the wiring to the O2 sensor for burns and abrasions. uh uh It's the cat...... Ifn it was the'd get an O2 code...not a cat code :)
  22. C

    Code 420

    Nope, it's the Cat
  23. C

    98 GTS question (buying question)

    Are you kidding????? if you don't buy it.....I will :D!!!
  24. C

    Best $400 I've spent so far...

    [quot. Any more pics of the cowl??? +1:eater:

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