Search results

  1. W

    Selling MY 02 RT/10

    Damn thats a good price and exactly what wifey is looking for. Wish the stock market wasn't in the crapper :(:( Oh well... good luck-it won't last long Bill
  2. W

    Thinking about a trunktop

    I'm 6'3" and have a one inch seat lowering kit. Will I fit under one comfortably? Thanks Bill
  3. W

    Bagging rear view mirrors when washing car

    I took the mirrors off... less weight, better air flow and who cares what's behind me! Bill
  4. W

    Best (or funniest) reaction when driving your snake?

    I tagged along to a Italian Sports car show with my brother one year. He had a 328 but they let me put my Viper back in the back area. Most of the Ferrari's, Lambo's and other exotics had roped off areas around them so no one could get close. Wifey and I were camped up under a tree, letting...
  5. W

    Looking to Borrow Good Tread

    I loved my track experience ... nothing like it! it taught me limits-mine and my cars. BUT... "don't race if you can't replace". You made a comment about what happens if you wreck and what do you tell your insurance. Insurance companies are not dumb and the info about your track experience...
  6. W


    If you have to replace the mirrors it said here that the Stealth mirrors were the same: B
  7. W

    Vipair air deflector.Anyone use them?

    While you are modding your beast here are a few other items that may be of interest: All Products : KaleCoAuto, Hard to find automotive items! I highly recommend the cross drilled brake lines! Best mod I ever did ;) Bill
  8. W

    What % of Vipers have over 10k miles on them?

    My 1998 has 26,000 miles Love to drive it more if I could :):) Bill
  9. W

    Might let it go...(2001 Red GTS)

    Before you sell factor in how much a shrink will cost because kids WILL drive you crazy. I figure the savings I get from not needing one since going for a cruise brings me back to sanity more than offsets costs psychiatric help. YMMV Bill
  10. W

    Myth Buster - Jon B Not Crabby on Mondays!

    Well if Jon is only crabby on Mondays he's a better person than me! When I was in the retail business I was only crabby on days that ended with a 'y' (or so I was told) Bill
  11. W

    Winter Hibernation - Does EVERYONE do it?

    I never store mine! But I do admit that the summers can get so freakin hot I don't drive her much. YMMV Bill
  12. W

    My dreams of owning a Viper... Crushed today with a 20 min test-drive!

    Why bring back to life threads that are over 3 years old????? B
  13. W

    Tire Longevity

    Hi Bob, A little extra pressure from your right foot will solve the problem of not wearing your tires out fast enough. HTH Bill
  14. W

    A/C question

    Well jumped in the Viper last Friday to go to a car show and the A/C was barely blowing any cold air :( I may go up to wally world, buy one of their re-charge kits and try to charge the system myself. Any tips? Shouldn't be to hard I would think. What pressures should I look for on the high...
  15. W

    Sidewinders on 96 B/W

    I guess that would be the ultimate protection device!!! Also would be good when some moron cuts out in front of you :) :) "Here you go you b*stard....have a sidewinder up your tail pipe" Bill (I'm interested in pics also. Would you mount them on the roof or on the sides of the front fenders...
  16. W

    How many drive 'bone stock' Vipers?

    Bone stock and 4 years of ownership......can't do anything till I buy wifey her own :) Bill
  17. W

    Arkansas Childrens Hosptal fund raiser

    This past weekend the Mid South Viper club joined a fund raiser for Childrens Hospital. We started with a drag races down a city street (with police approval of course) There were 4 stock Vipers against 3 highly modded Vettes and 1 stock new Vette. Racing on a city street was scary and the...
  18. W

    What is up with these people and there Hen cars???

    Then he goes and gets free publicity that will be seen by many unsuspecting people: and B
  19. W

    Does anyone drive in the rain?

    I have but not by choice. Before I put on new tires she would plane at 45 mph! No fun driving on I-40 out of Memphis at that speed. With new shoes she is much more well behaved but as someone else said it's just not as much fun. I did get caught in a sudden T-storm on a Sunday cruise with the...
  20. W

    Recaro seats

    Does anyone know of someplace that can make the seat mounting rails for a set of older Recaro seats? I've been trying to seach the net but can't seem to find anyone Thanks!! Bill
  21. W

    Viper days question/poll

    How expensive is track insurance and who writes it? Bill
  22. W

    What do you do when u lose your DAD before Christmas

    I lost mine a few years ago in Nov. Spend the holidays with family and friends. Celebrate life...his, yours, everybodies. If he was anything like my father he would not have wanted you to morn over his passing. Life is short and none of us will get out alive. Make a toast to him, remember...
  23. W

    Viper days question/poll

    Well Viper Days will be in my area in Jan.! But I can't go :( :( :( My insurance (USAA) made it very clear that since this was a timed event they will not cover the car. "Don't race if you can't replace" and I can't afford to eat the repairs if something unfortunate occurred. I know...
  24. W

    Spy photo - 1971 yellow RT10?

    Peso's or Lira? B
  25. W

    Next generation tires?? Interesting...fugly (IMHO) but still interesting. Wonder if they are speed rated and will come in our tire sizes? Bill