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  1. big-n-italian


    WHAT SHE SAID! :D HI JULI! :2tu:
  2. big-n-italian


    where - in your gallery?
  3. big-n-italian

    Lee resigned

    :lmao: aw nuts, i was laughing so hard i spit dr pepper all over my keyboard!
  4. big-n-italian

    Welcome Dan Everts as new VCA President!

    i agree. my answer too is no.
  5. big-n-italian

    Lee resigned

    resigned. he should have been FIRED, a long time ago, and a few of his friends. shouldnt it atleast say "banned" on Lees his avatar? seriously? if what he has done doesnt qualify as a banning, what does? :dunno:
  6. big-n-italian

    Free Jon B

    Lee is NOT from chicago.
  7. big-n-italian

    Free Jon B

    i might be wrong, but i am guessing Chrysler has better things to do than worry about all this BS.
  8. big-n-italian

    Jalopnik article says it all.

    there are already two that i know of 1. viper alley 2. viper garage quick google search and you can find them
  9. big-n-italian

    Jalopnik article says it all.; target=&quot;_blank&quot;></a>"]http://[/URL]
  10. big-n-italian

    Free Jon B

    there are other reasons, but i can think of two! 1. he was specifically targeted and was always on the radar of a few high-ranking members who were on a lengthy power trip, and who had a bad history with him. 2. two of those members, who also benefited financially from a competing business...
  11. big-n-italian

    Free Jon B

    the re-building process has to start somewhere. :D
  12. big-n-italian

    Free Jon B

    you took the words right out of my mouth. if i added this quote to my signature, would i have to pay you any royalties? :D
  13. big-n-italian

    gen V in original GTS colors

    i cant find it but did anyone hear what the color options would be?
  14. big-n-italian

    2013 Viper Poll

    LOVE IT. its what the gen3 should have looked like. i hear it looks even better in person.
  15. big-n-italian

    Welcome the 2013 SRT Viper GTS

    Love it! Thats what the gen 3 should have looked like!
  16. big-n-italian

    Any info on this snake?

    "*Branded title vehicle*" is this a stealthy way to say "salvage title"? never heard of that one before . . . . .
  17. big-n-italian

    97 Blue and White GTS Twin Turbo, Brembo, KW, Custom Interior

    i love your gages! how did you do that? are they aftermarket?
  18. big-n-italian

    97 Blue and White GTS Twin Turbo, Brembo, KW, Custom Interior
  19. big-n-italian

    2005 SRT-10 Copperhead in Peoria any members in the area?

    yep. overall, it was a nice car, but the lips behind the front tires were badly blasted as were the underside of the sidesills. i was very suprised considering the low mileage. front and rear wheels and the passenger side had a little curb rash too. i think bobby has passed on this one.
  20. big-n-italian

    Lady wins viper on price is right

    agree. watched it once with him as host and havent watched it since.
  21. big-n-italian

    How NOT to wash your Viper!

    thats what i call taking the term "rinse/repeat" to an extreme...
  22. big-n-italian

    Wow, this is getting boring

    so, is your mechanic the one on the left or the right? :rolaugh:
  23. big-n-italian

    Wow, this is getting boring

    i would like to think that all its going to take too, but i am sorry to say that i have my doubts. (i hereby certify that i personally wrote this response, and i approve this message.) :rolaugh:
  24. big-n-italian

    Wow, this is getting boring

    sorry Marv, but your chest-thumping response is a great example of one of the major and ongoing problems for this site. notice that your response is the only post in this thread that makes everything that is going on around here sound just rosey and peacy-keen, (oh, and mostly off-topic btw). i...