Hi all, have been away for a while and am looking for a new snake. I had 2 06 coupes( an FE and a VOI 9), and I see I can buy a nice 06 for mid to high 50s. More money will get me an 08.I would prefer to save a few bucks than buy brand new. I was mostly happy with the 06, but cabin heat was brutal, and the trans moved quite a bit on hard acceleration, it made me feel as I may hit the wrong gear on a very aggressive upshift. Have these issues been corrected on the 08? Is the 08 worth the extra money it will cost?? I know some may say the 100 hp itself will be worth it, but I never felt my 06 was underpowered, although there is no such thing as too much!I understand the clutch and trans were refined can anyone with experience of the two expand on it. I would appreciate any feedback as I am going to pull the trigger soon.
Thank you, Rich
Thank you, Rich