Since a 76 station nearby has 100 octane, I once in a while will maybe put a half tank in with the 91. I seem to notice a difference but it may be wishful thinking....
As long as it's unleaded, I don't see how it could hurt anything.
I'm going to ease out a little on a limb here and say that I don't think it can help your Viper either.
I say this because the Viper has no knock sensor.
A car with no knock sensor has no way to change the timing to account for knock or lack of knock,
and lack of knock is all you can get out of high octane gas.
Hey RandyS,
What year Buick? I've got a 65 Nailhead wth 10 to 1 compression. With the older engines that were originally designed to run on 100 octane, they will respond better to the higher octane gas, plus it is very easy to advance timing. The Vipers timing is pretty much set unless you're using a Vec 2.
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