I live out here in Connecticut and we have to burn a blend of gasoline with 10% alcohol. They are talking of going to 20%. The problem is that we can only get 93 octane. If the underground storage tanks have any water in them then the alcohol makes the fuel separates and the octane now drops to around 87 and the car pings. I have solved this problem by running octane booster, Pennszoil, in every tank while trying to buy gas the day it is delivered to the stations. This has been a huge problem in the marine industry where fuel tanks made of fiberglass with resin turn to guck and plug up everything. Ct was used as a test state last year to see what problems showed up with this fuel. They knew of the problems but have done nothing to cure these problems. I know pepole who have spent over $10,000.00 to rip out their tanks and install aluminum tanks in their boats. Hope this helps, Robbie