1998 Dodge Viper GTS Salvage Title $13.5k

Black Moon

Dec 28, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
Now that I looked at all the pics I can say that the frame is definitely damaged. The radiator (that connects to the frame) is moved 3"+ and the way the front fascia is pushed in means the rt frame extension is bent or broken which are expensive as well as the light support. A front frame section will run you $4-6K depending on where you get it. My used complete frame was $9500 three years ago. They may be cheaper since there are alot more wrecked Vipers out there (I've heard 30-45% from reliable salvager's). Either way you've got $15k plus in parts plus labor. That's why it was totaled in the first place. Insurance companies are pretty good at estimating damage and won't payoff on a car that can be fixed.

It would be a good parts car if you have the money and time to sit on it and Fleabay the parts.

My advice to the OP would be to contact the salvager's out there and see what they would give for the car or sell the parts yourself.


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
DelaWhere? USA
BTW, why would it already have a salvage title if it was never repaired? Totaled and
bought back?

Titles are (generally) branded the moment an insurance company totals the car and
really have nothing to do with the actual state of the car. Technically if an insurance
company is willing to take the loss (ie - part of a bigger lawsuit) they can easily total
a car for having a crack in the windshield or no damage at all. They wouldn't even
need an estimate - their bill, their business. And since only insurance companies can
total a car, if the PO could afford it and didn't want to deal with them it could very
easily become a carfax clean used car. There are a lot of loopholes when it comes
to title status.

Rebuilt titles (generally) require a safety checkup, a parts history search from the
issuing state's auto theft unit, and a general road worthiness inpsection by the DMV.
A rebuilt title is the more desirable of the title brands.

$13k seems a bit high but within the selling range, but, like mentioned above, you are
far more likely to sell it as parts than a rebuildable vehicle. This market has not been
kind to "ez-fixers" lately.