Wild Bill
2 days=300 miles, I am no longer a \'wanna be\'
Got my baby Friday at 11:00 A.M. and by Sunday I had put over 300 miles on it! No garage queen for me.
Now I know what ya'll have been talking about. Stupidest question I think I have ever asked is 'does anyone drive the speed limit?
. This car WILL NOT go the speed limit (but officer it's not me-it's the car
). I am still very wary of the incredible power this beast has and no matter how much I have heard about the 'gawk factor' it still surprised me. The number of people driving by and staring, yelling comments, and video taping as we drove was incredible.
First time observations:
1. Car fits me very well even at 6'3", no seat lowering kit needed.
2. Take it VERY easy till you get a feel for the torque
3. Speed limit may be 65 but no limit as to how fast you get there
4. Where ever you go expect it to take longer than expected, enjoy all the people who want to talk to you.
5. It's just a car-get out and drive it
6. Buy a radar detector-ordered mine as soon as I got to a computer after my first drive.
7. Order your Zaino before you get the car, now I have to wait till next weekend to make her look like she should
I had never been in a Viper before and it exceeds every expectation I had. It is a fantastic driving experience. No there is no cup holder, no traction control, no speed control, no killer sound system, it is not 'an old mans sports car (i.e. 'vette) it is a brute torque monster-a street legal race car! If you have been thinking about buying one--DO IT! The last time I looked you can't take it with you so enjoy life now
This is without a doubt the smartest thing I have ever done ( ok-second after my wife, she did buy it for me
). I look forward to getting up in the morning and the first thing I do is check the weather--rain-no = Viper time
Next I'll join the local Viper club and look forward to meeting ya'll at Viper days.
1998 RT/10 'hello officer red'
Got my baby Friday at 11:00 A.M. and by Sunday I had put over 300 miles on it! No garage queen for me.
Now I know what ya'll have been talking about. Stupidest question I think I have ever asked is 'does anyone drive the speed limit?
First time observations:
1. Car fits me very well even at 6'3", no seat lowering kit needed.
2. Take it VERY easy till you get a feel for the torque

3. Speed limit may be 65 but no limit as to how fast you get there
4. Where ever you go expect it to take longer than expected, enjoy all the people who want to talk to you.
5. It's just a car-get out and drive it
6. Buy a radar detector-ordered mine as soon as I got to a computer after my first drive.
7. Order your Zaino before you get the car, now I have to wait till next weekend to make her look like she should
I had never been in a Viper before and it exceeds every expectation I had. It is a fantastic driving experience. No there is no cup holder, no traction control, no speed control, no killer sound system, it is not 'an old mans sports car (i.e. 'vette) it is a brute torque monster-a street legal race car! If you have been thinking about buying one--DO IT! The last time I looked you can't take it with you so enjoy life now
This is without a doubt the smartest thing I have ever done ( ok-second after my wife, she did buy it for me
Next I'll join the local Viper club and look forward to meeting ya'll at Viper days.
1998 RT/10 'hello officer red'