$200,000 for LE GTS???


Jun 19, 2012
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Tysons Corner, VA
Don't forget...this car was located in canada. How many LE's made it to Canada? Not many im sure. Perhaps the guy really wanted it and since if you buy a new car in the states and import into Canada it VOIDS the warrenty he probably wanted the piece of mind of having the warranty.
For $60,000 over sticker, I think you could cover most work that would come under warranty!


Aug 6, 2007
Reaction score
There was a LE on Fleebay recently for $8K off sticker if I recall correctly. $200K is nuts!!!! and by the looks of it, so is sticker price.


Think I would putting either a McLaren or a Ford GT in the stable for that much money...


Jan 9, 2007
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Red Deer, Alberta Canada
Don't forget...this car was located in canada. How many LE's made it to Canada? Not many im sure. Perhaps the guy really wanted it and since if you buy a new car in the states and import into Canada it VOIDS the warrenty he probably wanted the piece of mind of having the warranty.
Hey Bob, This Car ia a US car out of Texas, Londonderry brought the car up to Canada


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
Question then.... If I buy a 2013 Viper here in USA, and move to Canada 6 months later ( taking the car with me) , would the Canadian Chrysler dealers fix my Viper under warranty ?

Second Question.... If I buy a Viper here in the USA, and drove to Canada to visit friends or relatives, and I had a break down and needed roadside assist, would Chrysler road side assist be covered, and if the car had a warranty defect while on this road trip that cause the break down and the car was undrivable, would Chrysler cover the repair if performed in Canada while on vacation?

I do not see how a USA car bought here in the states would not have a warranty once you cross the border , ( OK may be Mexico ?)

Am I ignorant to some legal info, AND IF SO CAN ONE OF THE FINE ATTORNEYS/VCA MEMBERS please explain ......please.....pretty please

heh ?


VCA Venom Member
Jan 3, 2012
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Drove up to Londonderry yesterday in my 08 SSG and I think every salesman they had there come out and drooled over it.:D Told them I wanted to see this LE 2013 and they told me they SOLD:( it about a week ago for $171000.00.:crazy2: They give me the story its rare and bla bla bla. I told them that it is probably the only 13 colour that they built 150 of. I also told them fools and there money soon part.:D

I wish more were selling for this it would make me feel better about paying MSRP and waiting 10 months for it to show up! all that being said I really do LOVE this car :)


Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Question then.... If I buy a 2013 Viper here in USA, and move to Canada 6 months later ( taking the car with me) , would the Canadian Chrysler dealers fix my Viper under warranty ?

Second Question.... If I buy a Viper here in the USA, and drove to Canada to visit friends or relatives, and I had a break down and needed roadside assist, would Chrysler road side assist be covered, and if the car had a warranty defect while on this road trip that cause the break down and the car was undrivable, would Chrysler cover the repair if performed in Canada while on vacation?

I do not see how a USA car bought here in the states would not have a warranty once you cross the border , ( OK may be Mexico ?)

Am I ignorant to some legal info, AND IF SO CAN ONE OF THE FINE ATTORNEYS/VCA MEMBERS please explain ......please.....pretty please

heh ?

I remember hearing it explained this way...Chrysler and Chrysler Canada are two different companies. SO Chrysler Canada could not/would not honor Chrysler's warranty and vice versa.


Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Red Deer, AB, Canada
Don't forget...this car was located in canada. How many LE's made it to Canada? Not many im sure. Perhaps the guy really wanted it and since if you buy a new car in the states and import into Canada it VOIDS the warrenty he probably wanted the piece of mind of having the warranty.

This car came from Texas. It was brought here by the dealer and has no factory warranty.


Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
Red Deer, Alberta Canada
Question then.... If I buy a 2013 Viper here in USA, and move to Canada 6 months later ( taking the car with me) , would the Canadian Chrysler dealers fix my Viper under warranty ?

Second Question.... If I buy a Viper here in the USA, and drove to Canada to visit friends or relatives, and I had a break down and needed roadside assist, would Chrysler road side assist be covered, and if the car had a warranty defect while on this road trip that cause the break down and the car was undrivable, would Chrysler cover the repair if performed in Canada while on vacation?

I do not see how a USA car bought here in the states would not have a warranty once you cross the border , ( OK may be Mexico ?)

Am I ignorant to some legal info, AND IF SO CAN ONE OF THE FINE ATTORNEYS/VCA MEMBERS please explain ......please.....pretty please

heh ?
If you buy the car and move here and become a Canadian and have a Canadian address then you will probably have no Warranty, But leave the car registered in the US and they will honour the warranty. Also you would have to pay the GST and revamp the car to Canadian Specs

Same for travelling across borders. You are a tourist and the car is registered in US, They will honour the warranty


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
If you buy the car and move here and become a Canadian and have a Canadian address then you will probably have no Warranty, But leave the car registered in the US and they will honour the warranty. Also you would have to pay the GST and revamp the car to Canadian Specs

Same for travelling across borders. You are a tourist and the car is registered in US, They will honour the warranty

If you live in Canada and want a new Viper , I say Buy the car in the US, and just rent and keep a P.O. Box for registration.....

What are the Canadian spec differences / anyone know ??


Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
Red Deer, Alberta Canada
If you live in Canada and want a new Viper , I say Buy the car in the US, and just rent and keep a P.O. Box for registration.....

What are the Canadian spec differences / anyone know ??

It really isn't that easy.

Daytime running lights is the big one,Dual Speedo or change the head to metric, The new car maybe has the feature to change it. (Don't know as I have not seen one yet) Kms, Miles, Child seat tether spot to fasten car seat to


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
New GEN V has zero physical pieces to change to meet Canadian specs. It is all electronic program changes now to comply with metric, day time running lights, etc.. I believe SRT deliberately did this and is why an electronic gauge pack is so advantageous to the car as it could eventually be sold worldwide as that is the audience it now seeks and will need for ultimate production numbers. There is just one part for all with different programming. Same for languages, etc.

Can't register a car off a PO Box as every state and every province requires a physical location to register a vehicle.

When I (very briefly) considered moving back to Canada a few years ago, I checked with Chrysler and on my 06' Viper which I had from new, I was able to transfer warranty up to Canada in a permanent move of a primary residence only (one time). If I bought it new, was the original owner, lived permanently in the US at the time at a primary residence at MSO and was transferring to Canada permanently, it was possible for transfer in that situaiton only. The only requirement is the car had to be at least 1 year old from date of sale and required pre-approval discussion with Chrysler as well as forms to fill out prior. This was the ONLY instance of warranty transfer. Could not buy from out of country to Canada, nor move with a used Viper with remaining factory warranty, etc. it was not possible for warranty in those situations.

Strange but every company has it's issues. The minute you come through a border to import a car into country, it is logged in the Department of Homeland Security's computer and that information IS directly shared with Chrysler after import. They know right when it is imported in and no warranty is flagged on Chrysler's part. Thus is you bring a US car into Canada, you need to import it in to register it in Canada anyway, thus you are outted at that point and warranty is void, except in the original owner move situation which you also have to notify Chrylser first for pre-approval on that.

Vacationing is a totally different situation as you are visiting either country as a vistor only. Car will be repaired underwarranty in either country irregardless of whether it is a Canadian car or US car, again only the original owner situation with warranty still valid. Outside of warranties, I will state that I have never known of a Canadian citzen/businessor US citizen/business to not stop and help someone in need thus the stranded situation is a moot point.

Chrysler and the government know exactly where the car is registered and the country it is in. There is no way around the system to register it in a weird way to make it work for a warranty situation except picking up and moving with your original purchased car as described. Sorry but the issue is not a US Chrysler issue. The warranty issue is a Candian Chrysler issue and the Canadian Car Czar protectionsim of the Canadian car mafia in charge over many years. Always has been an issue, even when I lived there years ago. I still can't believe there has not been a civil uproar of it as Canadian's have been getting screwed for years on these issues, ultimate by their own. Europeon imports are worst for that in Canada!

In the end, it is crazy but the reality is take 20% off the price of the car and sell with no warranty. If I added up the cost of the warranty for the car including the extended 7 yr warranty I bought, it was all a waste of money. Pay to fix here or there and call it a day. I wish there was an option from Chrysler with no warranty with reduced price. I bet the number of takers would be pretty high. Or make it a 1 yr, 12,000 mile warranty for way less.

Ford makes it work but then again Ford was not owned by governemental bodies in either country either.


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Chrysler and Honda are the worst for honouring warranties in cross border transactions. I don't think it has anything to do with the governments but rather the dealer networks (on both sides of the border) pushing the manufacturer to keep their franchise territories from being cross border shopped.

Nissan and GM are better (caveats to warranties), and Mazda and Toyota have no warranty blockages to keep one from importing a vehicle from the U.S. to Canada.

An unofficial partial list of warranty policies can be found here:


May 27, 2013
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Some dealers are returning to reality, such as a black/gunmetal stripes GTS not far from me, sticker 140, ask 132.

Then there's one further away, black/Billet Silver stripes, sticker 143, ask 195. Their Autotrader ad says "We will not be beaten on price!" Well that's reassuring.


Viper Owner
Nov 13, 2001
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Chris Brown will pay $200k for one, and then spend another $100,000 at West Coast Customs for a hideous body kit and fugly custom paint job.


May 27, 2013
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Markups seem to have faded away in my area. After I was done with business in Durham NC, I went out of my way to check on a Gunmetal Pearl GTS. Now that is gray done right. I asked the highest-ranking-looking guy there (wearing a tie while everybody else was in polo shirts) what they really wanted for it, and he said sticker would do nicely.

Then I went out of my way to Cary NC to see the same three Vipers--Adrenaline Red GTS that's had a "sold to John Hendricks Discovery Channel" sign for months, Black/Gunmetal GTS, Adrenaline Red SRT--and was told the black GTS was likely sold, or if not it was down to a $5k markup from $20k when they first got it, and the SRT could be had at sticker.

Then I went out of my way to Garner NC--the things I go through for you people--to see an Adrenaline Red GTS. I thought AR would look cliché; no, it looks like it belongs. Cool SRT specialist sales rep came out to talk, and said he had gotten to drive the whole SRT line at Chrysler's proving grounds and was a huge fan. He too said juice was not necessary to take it home. Sadly, my old Chevy hatchback just passed 58,000 miles and is still underwater on its loan, so no snake yet for moi.

There you have it--nobody should pay over MSRP, and most likely not even that if you ask hard.

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