yeah, I'd brag about my .09 second better time too if I was wastin' time.
Now.. what wastin doesnt want to tell you is the following..
1. my .09 second slower time was with ME and a 275+ lbs passenger, who was showing me the track.
2. I later beat his OFFICIAL TIME and Mine, while carrying my girlfriend along in a "fun run" session. Which are still calculated, but not counted in the final scores.
3. It was my FIRST session EVER with my new Coupe.
4. It was Wastin' times 3rd time attending an auto x this summer with these same guys.
So yeah, wastin' we're real freakin proud of ya...
Couple of things:
1. Everyone with enough HP was doing the burnouts and donuts, sadly, I believe you were one of the very few who did not, due to lack of any HP? or was that nuts?... So yeah, I'm sorry you didnt have the requisit squirl food to partake in the activity.
2. Get a Girlfriend, or a Wife or a real job, cuz you got some serious time on your hands apparently. I guess your name says it all "Wastin Time" ... yep.. just not sure who's... your own or the people on this forums or mine...
3. I'll let ya know tomorrow about dinner on Friday...
4. And in all seriousness, congrats. You did well. (for an over weight old guy, with a look at me yellow Viper)