Site programmer
It is my sad duty to report, that financially speaking I will not be able to make this a reality.
I have gotten several qoutes on doing this, and found the company SB Enterprises used to be the best in pricing. However, it would take them 2 months to complete.
A company in my area could do the job in 1 week, but their pricing was a lot higher.
If there are members out there with deep pockets that would like to finance getting this calendar done, please contact me offline and I will be more than happy to give you all the details. We are talking in excess of $5,000 to create 1000 calendars.
I will still be more than happy to offer my designing services and coordination efforts to make this a reality. Just unfortunantly the initial overhead is beyond my abilities.
[edit]I can be reached at [email protected], or 800-691-9356[/edit]
I have gotten several qoutes on doing this, and found the company SB Enterprises used to be the best in pricing. However, it would take them 2 months to complete.
A company in my area could do the job in 1 week, but their pricing was a lot higher.
If there are members out there with deep pockets that would like to finance getting this calendar done, please contact me offline and I will be more than happy to give you all the details. We are talking in excess of $5,000 to create 1000 calendars.
I will still be more than happy to offer my designing services and coordination efforts to make this a reality. Just unfortunantly the initial overhead is beyond my abilities.
[edit]I can be reached at [email protected], or 800-691-9356[/edit]