I think (only my simple opinion) that some of the major reasons that this may be the end of the current muscle war is the emergence of other countries and their use of energy, a hot earth, dead polar bears, etc. DCX must have their hand on the pulse here somewhere, and there may be a rush to much more efficient vehicles in the future.
I think what Chris and a few others are saying is pretty reasonable, and it may be "now or never" concerning this latest Viper, which could be a real keeper.
While I understand this reasoning I do not agree this is inevitable. In fact I believe we could be at the dawn of a new golden age of automotive technology and that the best is yet to come.
It is already technically possible to build a Viper that makes over 1000rwhp (twin turbos) that can meet tough emissions standards, gets great mileage on the highway, and not make excessive noise. There are a lot of technologies that have been shelved/lost/being reborn etc on top of new advances made that will reshape what people have thought was currently possible. I know some of what I am saying from personal experience - the rest from putting 1 and 1 together and coming up with 2.
If we do see the end of the new muscle car era and a regression to whimpy vehicles the environment will only be an excuse. It is quite feasible to make a big engine clean. VERY clean. Forget the old paramters - if OEM's grow some balls - the paradigms will change. 14.7:1 will no longer be considered ideal, nor O2 sensors the best guide. When O2 sensors are done away with (or at least given a back seat) we will see some real progress.
I'd love to demonstrate and am very keen to do so - but lack the budget right now to do it myself. And that is just from a few crumbs of knowledge - I can only imagine what some could do given a free hand and some money.
Understanding this - an OEM is capable of far more once the politcial will reaches the R&D suppliers then travels its way back up the pyramid of command. The only advantage of privateers is that they are not encumbered with politics and conflicts of intererst nor beaurocracy - they can do whatever they want and get it done. Remember - an elephant is a horse designed by a committee... strong and well engineered but no thoroughbred
I have faith that the emerging green economy will force changes but that opens the door to a paradigm shift to awesome advances that have simply not seen public limelight yet. Green does not need to mean whimpy and gutless.
An 8.4L V10 could easily be made to achieve almost zero Co, Co2, and Low hydrocarbons with low nitrous emissions plus well over 30mpg at cruise using some SIMPLE technologies with no loss in reliability.