Hi Guys and thank you soo much for your response to my post. I went for supper came back and couldn't find my post lol, I thought it was removed or something. Then tonight I find it! Yeah
Now to answer your questions. I wanted GTS Blue but it was not availabe when I ordered so that was what was wrong, and yes it is available for 09 as it is on my order sheet. Nice of the Dodge guys to do that for us Viper lovers, very nice indeed. I ordered a Coupe as I'm not in love with the ragtop as much. I just ordered the five spoke wheel cause I'm not so fond of the six spoke. I have a brand new set of tires here and Im going to put a set of polished (Revs) I think there called by I-forge.The factory says that you can expect a 3 to 5 week delay for stripes,ACR, or areo pack,I wanted stripes as they are no charge in Canada, so Dealer guesses maybe by August. I also ordered Blk/Blue split interiour and light arc dash. This is a great site and you are fantastic folks for taking such good care of it and Viper.