For me there were several reasons to go with the 09 now (which I did 2 weeks ago) versus waiting for a 2010:
* 2010 ACR's probably will not hit dealer show rooms until July or later (there is a serious lag between production and shipping, usually seems to be 3+ months). This means missing out on tracking an ACR for a full year versus half a year...And, what if there is some sort of delay in production, (not that that has never happened!) and the 10s don't show up until the fall or later
* 2010 ACR's are not likely to be discounted AT ALL, ever, so, expect to pay full sticker
* The ACR I purchased was at a very good discount, I'm not saying how much, but very good, I really doubt that will happen with 2010's, that "immediate" savings was more than worth waiting
Some other reasons:
* For those who finance, the 0% ends March 1, 2010...ergo, will probably not be available for 2010 models, but, you never know, what with GMAC (previously Chrysler Financial) being owned by the US Govt
* Dealers "know" that 2010's will be more valuable and are "scared" of carrying "less desirable" 09s, so, they are (mostly) offering prices off sticker to move the cars out now, rather than continue to floorplan them
* Compartively VERY VERY FEW "used" ACRs are on the market and those in a color besides black, red or grey, seem to sell very quickly (i.e. orange and white) so I am not counting on finding a used one in the choice of color I prefer (I think there are less than 20 made in Very Viper Blue, even fewer with the dual-colored interior), so, could be waiting a while for a used one to come available in that color.
* AND:
Some things to remember, there are a "lot" of 2009 ACRs at dealers right now, that's because production really geared up after September, a lot of dealers have had the majority of their ACRs for 3 months or less. If you move the clock back to last July/early August there were almost no 2009 ACRs available anywhere. Even *today* there are still some dealers waiting on their 09s to arrive (Prefix is very slow). Vipers have been selling at approx. 30 copies a month (44 for Dec, 26 for Jan, no breakdown for ACR versus couples/roadsters). That means there is LESS THAN 10 months of 2009 ACR inventory out there right now (presuming that 80+ of the 260 made for 2009 have sold, a good bet and assuming 18 ACRs sold per month).
* Once the 2010s "hit" if they sell quickly "all" that will be left will be, if, if there are any 09s left in 12 months they too will likely be priced close to sticker
* Of course, if the economy drops off a cliff - unlikely since that already happened - then nothing will sell ... however, this _is_ an election year, so, expect the US Govt to try to "buoy" things some more so those monthly sales numbers could climb (double or more) and good buy opportunity
* Finally, I am in the camp of not even wanting a 2012+ Viper because of federal mandates, the "drive by wire" is already "too high tech" for me, but, "brake wire" and who knows "steering by wire" or whatever else is required to make the Viper comply with "FMVSS 126": Files/ESC_PRIA.pdf
a big "no thanks"
p.s. I doubt there will be any 09s for sale this time next year (
set time capsule for double check in 365 days) ..(I know of no 2008 ACRs "new" in dealer showrooms, there might be some that dealers had hidden away thinking that 08 was the last year and are now selling them for a "much" more reasonable price, I remember some being marked up to 125K)