2011 Round Up Email


Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
For those of you who have not seen the email on the round up, here it is. PLEASE register and RESERVE your room ASAP, do not wait. The block or rate may not be extended this year. Lock it in now.

Texas Viper Roundup '11
Date: Friday, April 1 through Sunday, April 3, 2011

Description/special instructions:
The hotel will be the same as last year: The Omni Austin Hotel Southpark in Austin, Texas. Jeff Lewis has really worked with us this year to get us a great rate on rooms and has thrown in a few perks as well...they really wanted us back! Call 1-800-THE-OMNI and mention the Texas Viper Roundup when you book your room to get our discounted rate. Singles start at $109/night and breakfast is again included. You must book by Thursday, March 10 at 5:00 PM. They're holding our block until that date but after that will be releasing the rooms to the public. If you have any further questions about our accommodations please feel free to reply to this email.

Friday, April 1
A.R.T. (200 Trademark Drive, Buda, TX 78610)
We're kicking off the weekend as we normally do with a tech and dyno day graciously provided to us by the guys at A.R.T. in Buda. Normally we have folks trickle in throughout the day, so arriving fashionably late to the party is perfectly fine! Throw your car on the dyno to see how it stacks up against itself or against others, get a tech inspection (required if you're going to RACE on Sunday) or just hang around, gab and grab a bite. We'll head back to the hotel at 5:00pm, shower up then split into a few smaller groups to pre-determined restaurants with reserved seating and parking.

Saturday, April 2 (BRING YOUR CAMERAS!)

Omni Austin Hotel Southpark (4140 Governor's Row, Austin, TX 78744)
We're going to try a new spin on the annual drive by dividing drivers into teams and splitting up for a photo scavenger hunt! We'll have a driver's meeting, announce the teams and rules, hand out the clue sheets and send everyone on their way! To help promote attendance I want to be sure and address a few of the concerns that have come up in previous conversations with members.

1.) The drive will be based around Austin, but you don't have to be familiar with Austin to competitively participate. For the most part clues will be generic enough that the photo(s) can be taken just about anywhere, with a possibility of bonus points if you incorporate specific famous landmarks into your compositions.
2.) The "locals" will be scouting the lay of the land prior to the drive to warn drivers of potential traffic jams and construction around the area. We will warn drivers of areas to avoid (like Whole Foods...those hippies have something against cars with single digit gas mileage...) or Jason White's house (never trust a man with a Prowler and matching trailer, no matter HOW many toys are in there).

3.) The hunt will be team-based, and is formatted to encourage communication and community among members. "Hey, Bob...I'm going after clue #32...where are you?" "The wife and I just did #17 and am headed to do #23...you're gonna laugh when you see the look on this cop's face..." is how I see this coming together.

Again if you have any questions or concerns, PLEASE email me here, call me at 512-415-6450 or PM me on the board (jasontiff on the Alley and VCA). We're trying to take all the good from past events and carry it over to the current one while attempting to keep it fun and fresh for everyone so it doesn't feel like the exact same event every year. If you haven't done a car-based photo scavenger hunt before, I STRONGLY encourage you to give it a try. Every person that I've spoken with that HAS participated in a similar event loved it.

We'll meet back at the hotel at a designated time, compile the team pictures onto a central hard drive, shower up and head to a dinner for the entire group. On the way back, rather than just retire as we have in the past, we're going to have a movie set up at A.R.T. Vendors and sponsors will give short presentations, the scavenger teams will show off a few of their favorite moments behind the lens, and we'll kick off a feature film with lots of burnt rubber, exhaust fumes and roaring engines! I was holding out for something with Vin Diesel in a sleeveless shirt, but I was already shot down...

Sunday, April 3
Harris Hill Road (2840 Harris Hill Road, San Marcos, TX 78666)
We're headed out to the track! In an effort to encourage more drivers to participate this year, we're changing the format slightly. There will still be plenty of hot lap and racing for those that want to push their cars and test their skills, but the track day will also be peppered with team-based and precision-based driving tests. Harris Hill offered up this suggestion as an alternative to those of us that may not want to race and said it's been EXTREMELY successful in the past. We're meeting this week to discuss specifics about the track, so if you'd like more information, as always, feel free to contact me directly.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, if you haven't paid your dues PLEASE do. However, you're not a member we're allowing outside participation for a fee of $150 per car (checks can be mailed to Jason Tiefenauer, 141 Sampson, Kyle, TX 78640 and made out to South Central Texas Viper Club). For due-paying members, there is a nominal fee of $20 per car. That gets you a gift bag w/event t-shirt, gets you into all of the events, gets you a meal or two and buys our friendship (we're cheap, I know). Please fill out the attached form and include it with your payment.

Also attached is a computer wallpaper you can throw on your monitor or just print out if you so choose. We look forward to seeing you in April!

Thank you,

Jason Tiefenauer (jasontiff)
President, South Central Texas VCA
South Central Texas VCA
or visit us on the VCA Forums by clicking here"


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Viper Owner
May 14, 2007
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Thank you for sending that out, Kurt...I was trying to wade through the other thread and hadn't gotten a chance to post that.

To add to Kurt's post:
For the scavenger hunt on Saturday, we're planning a brief, 50-ish mile drive from the hotel to the driver's meeting, then ending the hunt there and caravanning back another 50 miles. While it may not be a 200 mile drive as we've done in the past, it's going to be 100 miles of group-driving (in addition to the caravans to and from the restaurants, to and from the track, to and from A.R.T., etc) so we'll have plenty of the camaraderie (and carbon monoxide poisoning) you've come to expect from the previous Roundups.

On Sunday, Harris Hill has set up some gymkhana events, in addition to various classes of racing. For those of you that want to try something different, they'll be offering instruction and using the track for gymkhana for a portion of the morning before ramping up for hot laps and road racing in the afternoon.

Lastly, to everyone that has considered attending or is attending:
Please consider a few things. A lot of work has gone into planning this event. Maybe the proposed activities aren't 100% ideal for your brand of fun, but based on the feedback from the majority I am doing my damndest to make sure every single person that even CONSIDERS attending will have the best/safest time they possibly can. I realize I'm a fool for trying to make EVERYONE happy but I'm still new, so I'll keep trying.

I know that the Houston group has alternate plans for Saturday, and I'm asking you cordially to reconsider. Don't discount what's planned before even trying it. Come out, give it a whirl...then if it's the worst thing you've ever done let me have it. We're including feedback cards with everything this year and will post a follow-up survey at the conclusion, so you will have PLENTY of opportunity to weigh in on things...both the good AND the bad.

I also invite you to take it a step further; not only do I want you to weigh in on what was done and be as specific and candid as you can be, let's do as Eddie suggested in the other thread. Move the event to your city next year. Take everything I did right, get rid of the bad, and make the event in YOUR city next year 10 times better. It's not a taunt and is not meant to be mean-spirited; I'm saying that because if you can do that, the ENTIRE Texas club will thrive and that innocent game of one-upmanship will only make us stronger and make each event better.

What is planned now may not be your cup of tea or may not SOUND fun, but just try it; if it's successful or if it's a failure you can say FIRSTHAND what the event was like and can make the next one better from that experience. Again, please reconsider the alternate activities and participate with the rest of the group; this club and event is about doing things as a bunch of like-minded car nuts, and we'd miss the presence of our H-Town buddies out there tearin' it up with us.


Viper Owner
Jun 26, 2010
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San Antonio, TX
I have a few questions being a newbie.

I did not receive the latest roundup email that is posted (did however receive the poker run email yesterday). Is there a .pdf or like file for the registration from to fill out and submit online? Or do I print it as a .jpg, fill out and mail to Jason's addy? What's the best way to handle the $20, online payment, mailed check, cash on arrival etc?

Are there any items members have found note worthy to bring or leave home? Especially for Friday and Sunday? Fold out chairs, small cooler box, etc?

For passenger's riding hot laps on Sunday, what are their helmet options? Do I need to get them one prior or does Harris Hill have loaners?


Viper Owner
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I have a few questions being a newbie.

I did not receive the latest roundup email that is posted (did however receive the poker run email yesterday). Is there a .pdf or like file for the registration from to fill out and submit online? Or do I print it as a .jpg, fill out and mail to Jason's addy? What's the best way to handle the $20, online payment, mailed check, cash on arrival etc?

I'm sorry you didn't get the email...since you got the poker run email I'll resend that particular one to your address. If you can, PM me your email and I'll get that set up.

The form is here: Texas Viper Roundup '11 Registration Form

I've had people mail me the check, which is better in the long run because I can gradually check people off, but cash when you show up is just as good. I'll look into setting up an online account and sending a link.

Are there any items members have found note worthy to bring or leave home? Especially for Friday and Sunday? Fold out chairs, small cooler box, etc?

We'll have chairs for the movie Saturday, but chairs and a cooler aren't a bad idea. Harris Hill has a club house and seating there, but most of the track-side area has nothing in the way of chairs. Cameras are usually the big thing, and staying hydrated is important too!

For passenger's riding hot laps on Sunday, what are their helmet options? Do I need to get them one prior or does Harris Hill have loaners?

Harris Hill does have a set number of loaners. They have helmet sizes all the way up to XL (maybe XXL) cuz they found something to miraculously fit my gigantic head. You're covered there...just show up and have fun!

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