2013 SRT Viper Hot Lap! - 2013 Best Driver's Car Contender


May 18, 2001
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What finally happened that made the thread get hidden?

Im not sure since I hadnt read it since yesterday afternoon at work. I logged on this morning and its been moved and I dont have access to that forum. I guess it got too real and it got moved. Myself and few others were concerned from the get go at the silliness of SRT's marketing decissions. From day one they botched everything and now finally the blinders are coming off a few of the "elite" members. Funny how when I and other concerned Viper lovers saw this we were labeled trolls and Viper haters and other negative labels. Now they sound just like us but the labels dont get thrown at them. The thread gets hidden lol.

Sugarcoating SRT's dismal marketing performance thus far will not get improvements to the brand or the Vipers image. I just hope this foolishness hasnt cost the Viper its life in Sergios mind. Its like Gomer Pyle, Mr. Magoo and Wiley Coyote are running the Marketing dept. You just want to give SRT as a whole the benefit of the doubt as they have made a great car overall imho and are an up and coming brand but these mistakes/deliberate moves cannot be excused. I've said my piece on this subject and wont continue to beat this horse any longer but I am quite upset at SRT's continued lackluster PR with this car.


May 2, 2013
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I just heard back by email from SRT regarding my complaints about the MotorTrend Viper that was tested... I guess all my ******** riled up the bosses !!!

Check this out..... I will post the most important part of the return email below.

You are not gonna believe it.... SRT says that Ralph Gilles himself prepped that Viper !!!

Here is the excerpt ...

" Dear Kratedisease, we understand your postings and concerns regarding the Viper tested in the Motor Trend Magazine's Best Drivers Car Competition. The Viper in question was fully prepped and tested by Ralph Gilles. Unfortunately, Mr. Gilles states that although he inspected the Viper prior to releasing the car to be tested by Motor Trend, Mr Gilles informed us that he had difficulty noticing the quality defects present in the Viper automobile due to the fact that his hair had persistently and continually fallen into his eyes and obstructed his view during his inspection of the vehicle. "



May 2, 2013
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^We saw your stupid joke in post 26 already...it wasn't amusing then either

It was an erroneous duplicate post..... Mr. Bruce H., you need to "tone it down a bit", "dial it back a bit", or "lighten up a bit"............. just as everyone here is told , in a derogatory manor, when their posts do not circle **** in unison with everyone elses here
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Oct 16, 2010
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I am as angry as every one of you guys about this continued, egregious, seeminging apathetic marketing job SRT is doing. How can this keep happening? It really doesn't make sense coming from a company that also owns Ferrari and Maserati. Sergio needs to clean house because Ralph isn't getting the message through. Sorry to say that for all of those who think I'm bagging on Ralph, but this has got to stop. I'm still overseas and have been really excited about coming back home and trading my old snake in for a new one. I have enjoyed reading the reviews from the new and old members about their experience with the Gen V. Utterly worthless marketing and attention to detail on SRT's part doesn't instill confidence in my buying experience, however. It's a feeling of complacancy that really bothers me because it is cancerous. There are no too ways about it. I really hope SRT makes some key changes soon or Fiat steps in and slaps them in the face with the Ferrari model. Rant over.


May 2, 2013
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don't RANT too much or this thread will disappear.....the government has a way of making things disappear when it does not like what it sees....


Jul 14, 2009
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Breaking news. base viper takes down Godzilla track edition car.

With mismatched, worn out tires, rattles and parts falling off the car. Our falling apart "base model" American made junk put a hurtin on the the AWD track edition Japanese Godzilla.


Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
With mismatched, worn out tires, rattles and parts falling off the car. Our falling apart "base model" American made junk put a hurtin on the the AWD track edition Japanese Godzilla.

lol exactly. even when we give them a "******" press car it almost wins. Just imagine if SRT marketing pulled their heads out of the azzes and sent a properly inspected car o_O


May 29, 2013
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This is no joke for current owners of the Gen V, or those of us sitting on the sidelines waiting for SRT to get their act together. I sure hope they can come back from this thoroughly embarrassing debacle with some substantive improvements, and trying to deflect blame just isn't going to cut it this time. It will be so easy for those considering this car to say forget it, not worth it, and move on to something else...no matter how passionate they were about buying a Viper.

The "Moved" thread I started reading before it suddenly disappeared was a relief in that even the Viper's strongest supporters recognized how serious and just the criticisms were, and that gave me hope that SRT would feel the same. There were calls in that thread to fire people, but the buck stops at the top and Ralph is sure to be called to the mat on this one...and rightly so. I hope he/they fix it now because I'm not sure they'll get another chance, and Fiat is unlikely to keep them on life support otherwise.


You sir are right on the money.


May 29, 2013
Reaction score
With mismatched, worn out tires, rattles and parts falling off the car. Our falling apart "base model" American made junk put a hurtin on the the AWD track edition Japanese Godzilla.

No one cares if it is even faster than a bugatti veyron around the track. Seriously go buy an f1 car. The point is at that price level their can be NO QC MISTAKES. Especially when all eyes are on you. They hated the car and tried to death to force themselves to like it because of how great the image of the viper it is. But at this point all this car is, is an extremely pretty paper weight. SRT cannot afford screw ups like this if they are an up and coming brand. They need to take a page out of Tesla's book. Now that is how a real CEO should work. And their success speaks for itself. Not to mention everyone's unwavering faith in that CEO.


Jan 6, 2006
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Colorado High Country
One point... 'Finally, the Viper arrived mounted with standard Pirelli P Zeros on the front and P Zero Corsas on the rear." Pirelli probably recommended this for 'road' testing, as they do recommend this combo for Ferrari (I have personally had feedback from Pirelli in fitting my TR) to give better street performance with slight performance compromise. The stnd PZero has better wet weather performance and has a slightly softer and more forgiving sidewall. FWIW. That being said, the car should arrive with new tires for a MT road test...geez.


Jun 19, 2012
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Tysons Corner, VA
No one cares if it is even faster than a bugatti veyron around the track. Seriously go buy an f1 car. The point is at that price level their can be NO QC MISTAKES. Especially when all eyes are on you. They hated the car and tried to death to force themselves to like it because of how great the image of the viper it is. But at this point all this car is, is an extremely pretty paper weight. SRT cannot afford screw ups like this if they are an up and coming brand. They need to take a page out of Tesla's book. Now that is how a real CEO should work. And their success speaks for itself. Not to mention everyone's unwavering faith in that CEO.
Whole lot of words


May 18, 2001
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It appears that SRT has a CEO and engineering dept that cares, but not a marketing department that cares one bit about the longevity of the BRAND much less the Viper. When you care about someone/something it shows.

Anyway the Viper will never be a best drivers car. If you read what they consistantly write about the best drivers car winner over the years you will know this. Those cars are sure footed[much less scary, less testosterone by comparison], scalpel like in handling and feel, very precise machines with great refinement in not only interior but suspension/braking etc.

You can tell from the complaints of the Vipers suspension movements over bumps, pushing in some corners etc that it could never have been the winner. Its not that type of car. That being said the last place finish was just to send a serious message to Ralph and SRT about being snubbed on the TA and for sending a trashed Viper for the test imho. Surely its a better drivers car than the Focus.


May 29, 2013
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It appears that SRT has a CEO and engineering dept that cares, but not a marketing department that cares one bit about the longevity of the BRAND much less the Viper. When you care about someone/something it shows.

Anyway the Viper will never be a best drivers car. If you read what they consistantly write about the best drivers car winner over the years you will know this. Those cars are sure footed[much less scary, less testosterone by comparison], scalpel like in handling and feel, very precise machines with great refinement in not only interior but suspension/braking etc.

You can tell from the complaints of the Vipers suspension movements over bumps, pushing in some corners etc that it could never have been the winner. Its not that type of car. That being said the last place finish was just to send a serious message to Ralph and SRT about being snubbed on the TA and for sending a trashed Viper for the test imho. Surely its a better drivers car than the Focus.

I think what people seem to forget is a drivers car should let anyone who is passionate about driving, drive well in it. And also it should be comfortable since a drivers car is not a track car, it is a road car. This is mclaren's principal and that is why they engineer the greatest cars for the road. Therefor you shouldn't have to be Randy Pobst to be able to have fun with your car. Unfortunately the viper if you are not skilled will literally kill you, or wish it did when it flies off into a ditch and gets totaled. Also and I think this is more for the SRT version and not GTS, the car clearly is not comfortable. After driving the GTS I didn't think it was as bad as they make it look which you could see in the video how much Carlos was jumping up and down. His head looked like it was going to go through the roof. So maybe the SRT has crappy shocks, or maybe a better test drive of the GTS is needed on my part.

But anyways no point further beating a dead horse the writing is on the wall.
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May 18, 2001
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Well the Viper was not designed with the masses in mind hence another reason it will never be the best drivers car winner. It was aimed at the niche of drivers who wanted a raw experience instead of the coddled, safe engineering of the modern era. So once you start judging the Viper against the modern idea of a drivers car you not only lose site of the Vipers uniqueness and thus specialness, you also reveal the kind of driver you are. Not a good or bad thing. It just may mean that the Viper isnt a car for you. Thats fine.

A Viper isnt for everyone so trying to make it an everymans car is counter to its intended purpose and Im against that to tell you the truth. If you want all the bells and whistles then there are a million modern cars for you. Leave the Viper the way it is but I welcome the added refinement wholeheartedly. It seems that SRT has added the right mix of refinement and rawness to keep the Viper DNA intact for the most part. Just fix the PR nonsense and the QC problems please. Of course this is all mho.


May 2, 2013
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A double post that was posted hours apart. Yeah right.

Mr. VirusR2D2, your breath smells.... go brush your teeth !!

I was copying and pasting my reply to another forum, but pasted it here again by error....

Please Rinse with mouthwash.


May 2, 2013
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After the review by MT.... would it now be advisable to wear a helmet ? ........................ is the sky falling ????????????/


Aug 8, 2009
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Northern Virginia
I'm thinking karatedisease = SybilTF.

That is the only other person in the history of the interwebs that has been that magic combination of vapid and abrasive.


Jul 14, 2009
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Randy enjoys the Viper, it sure come across that way when he drives it. Sure hes working, but it sounds and looks like hes having fun!

Bruce H.

Mar 3, 2013
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Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
One point... 'Finally, the Viper arrived mounted with standard Pirelli P Zeros on the front and P Zero Corsas on the rear." Pirelli probably recommended this for 'road' testing, as they do recommend this combo for Ferrari (I have personally had feedback from Pirelli in fitting my TR) to give better street performance with slight performance compromise. The stnd PZero has better wet weather performance and has a slightly softer and more forgiving sidewall. FWIW. That being said, the car should arrive with new tires for a MT road test...geez.

This MT test mandates that the cars be supplied as a bone stock car, but with all the performance options they can, as opposed to requiring comfort/luxury options. No tire swapping, special alignments, non-stock tuning, etc.

Also, I thought the SRT Viper with Track Pack was appropriate, with the TA not even available to the public yet, although the Track Pack isn't being offered any more so who knows. I'm sure M.T. could be pissed at SRT for a whole lot of reasons, and vice-a-versa, but even they couldn't dream up the scope of stuff that was wrong with that test model...and that's all they had to base their ratings on. It was an even playing field for all, and they all lost marks for any short-comings, whether representative of the model or unique to the tester only.


May 2, 2013
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His name is a play in "createdisease"...and the moderators are doing a good job in letting him spread it.

Actually NO, it is a passion for Schwinn Krate bicycles... my first love affair with a machine.... in this case it had two pedals and two wheels....

Alabaster Mamba

Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
Corinth, TX
Actually NO, it is a passion for Schwinn Krate bicycles... my first love affair with a machine.... in this case it had two pedals and two wheels....

My god! is it your goal to annoy everyone on this board? You truly must be one lonely individual. I imagine that you are some kid who hasn't outgrowned puberty yet. Your basement must be getting cramped. Dude, grow up and put the crackpipe down. You seriously need some help.

Moderators: Why is this individual allowed to come on here and do nothing but cause grief to individuals? He continues to try and derail every thread possible. I would venture to say that that is his goal.


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
My god! is it your goal to annoy everyone on this board? You truly must be one lonely individual. I imagine that you are some kid who hasn't outgrowned puberty yet. Your basement must be getting cramped. Dude, grow up and put the crackpipe down. You seriously need some help.

Moderators: Why is this individual allowed to come on here and do nothing but cause grief to individuals? He continues to try and derail every thread possible. I would venture to say that that is his goal.

The only people getting annoyed are the ones who distaste my opinions--no one else, so please do not speak for EVERYONE here on the forum.
I did not know you represented the opinion of EVERYONE here on the forum.

And by the way I do not do drugs. And no I am NOT lonely. In fact many of my many friends are viewing my posts and enjoying my responses and posts.

You state that I need help. OK, then what type or kind of help do you feel that I need, in your expert opinion ?