Here's some quick pics from the day. Viper team, and friends support vehicle the red Tiger.
Ready to go, with air-flow-prep efforts, but was unable to remove my rear wing. I was trying hard to get towards 200 mph but realistically hoping for maybe 190 mph terminal for mine (just missed it by 0.12 of a mph!)
This was a standing start terminal speed event, down a disused military runway. Apparently initially run over 1.1 miles it had been measured to be. Later they opened it up to about 1.5 miles, but some of the surface was quite rough for the additional start. There was also a quarter mile run too, but what we weren't warned about was the big painted landing marks on the runway...First quarter I ran, I'd cooled the motor off over lunch, it was a nice cool day, I was lining up down came rain. I spun in every gear up the quarter, shifting quick into the next, thought I was finally getting some traction in 4th and nudged the gas pedal some more, and discovered suddenly I didn't as we hit a wet painted marking

he came out quick on me, and I struggled to catch and hold him, for a while we flew sideways tires screaming at the edge on the runway, taking a tree out on the way, once I'd got him back we still just finished across the line with a 13 sec quarter and shot tires and front end! I wasn't very happy
Joel and Skunk won a huge cup and bottle of bubbly, everyone was blown away by the run, and 215 mph

AWESOME to see and hear, big congratulations.
I did ask Joel if I could make a run in Skunk, to take a photo of the gauge showing over 200 mph, but he wouldn't give me a drive, so instead I can only post my gauge, but it only goes to 180 mph, and we went off that!
I was surprised to win a bottle of champers, "for effort"...not sure if it was for best spectacles with taping the front gaps up, or best spectacle of the day, wiping out at over 100 mph but still finishing!