I am posting this here, since Greg told me I wimped out by putting it in the Event section. Greg says that guys are to lazy to read the Event section, and this is more for discussion. So.....Here>>>>>>
Taking a second to speak for Chuck. Stopped by his place today to pick up something and we got talking about the BBQ. I can't get over how the guy is busting his b***s to get work done around the shop so he can prepare for this BBQ. BUT, although I think he was talking about being up to around 130+ vipers so far, I asked him about some names of who is coming and I was surprised to hear that he didn't hear from lots of guys who shouldn't need to be mentioned. So, anyone who has not RSVP'd, DO IT NOW, no matter who you think you are. He'd rather have more than enough food, than not enough and the RSVPs are very necessary! He puts on a great day, the least we can do is make it easy for him.
I'm also going to step out on a limb here and open up another can of worms. I hope some of the bad blood I've heard about since the Lee Dodge event is not going to cause any spitefull no-shows at the BBQ or any malicious no-shows. That would really ****! Chuck puts his heart into this thing, and it's going to be great. So everyone get together and plan to make it. Lets make it the biggest BBQ yet, and out of respect for all Chuck's efforts, get in the RSVPs, even if he yells at you for being late with it.
Taking a second to speak for Chuck. Stopped by his place today to pick up something and we got talking about the BBQ. I can't get over how the guy is busting his b***s to get work done around the shop so he can prepare for this BBQ. BUT, although I think he was talking about being up to around 130+ vipers so far, I asked him about some names of who is coming and I was surprised to hear that he didn't hear from lots of guys who shouldn't need to be mentioned. So, anyone who has not RSVP'd, DO IT NOW, no matter who you think you are. He'd rather have more than enough food, than not enough and the RSVPs are very necessary! He puts on a great day, the least we can do is make it easy for him.
I'm also going to step out on a limb here and open up another can of worms. I hope some of the bad blood I've heard about since the Lee Dodge event is not going to cause any spitefull no-shows at the BBQ or any malicious no-shows. That would really ****! Chuck puts his heart into this thing, and it's going to be great. So everyone get together and plan to make it. Lets make it the biggest BBQ yet, and out of respect for all Chuck's efforts, get in the RSVPs, even if he yells at you for being late with it.