When I first bought my 2000 GTS, one of the first things that took me, was, for a car as over the top good looking as the Viper, they gave you a gray & black plastic key. It just didn’t seem fitting for the Viper. So I set out to find a jeweler to mold a better looking key, and they did. In the process of perfecting the mold, they bought a blank. The blank was for a Gen III though. So last week after I picked up my SRT/10 I went by to see if they had any Sterling Silver Gen III keys and here it is. It’s a little too BLING for me, and it doesn’t fit right, but they are working on it. I will say I like the solid black stock Gen III though.
What do you think?
Here’s my old Gen II key
2005 Silver SRT/10
2000 Steel Gray GTS (sold)
What do you think?
Here’s my old Gen II key
2005 Silver SRT/10
2000 Steel Gray GTS (sold)