3" Corsa Track Exhaust - Original post was deleted?


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
3\" Corsa Track Exhaust - Original post was deleted?

NOTE: I posted this morning and for some reason a mod deleted my post? Please let me know if this is breaking any rules as I am VCA member.

MOD: If you need to delete this post for some reason, please PM me with the reason so I don't break the rules. I would like to sell my exhaust to someone else that was looking for one. Thanks!

Jay Herbert

Dec 7, 1997
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, CA
Re: 3\" Corsa Track Exhaust - Original post was deleted?

NOTE: I posted this this morning and for some reason a mod deleted my post? Please let me know if this is breaking any rules as I am VCA member.

MOD: If you need to delete this post for some reason, please PM me with the reason so I don't break the rules. I would like to sell my exhaust to someone else that was looking for one. Thanks!

I hope you do not mind me answering here, there always seems to be confusion on this policy, maybe this will help clear it up.

Posting Policy:

6. Classified ad posts to the forums will be deleted. Non-Viper Commercial posts will be deleted with the exception of approved commercial posts by site sponsors. Please note that classified ads, in our classifieds area , are free to VCA members.

This policy applies to vendors as well. Please note, the Venders have a "New Products and Suppliers Specials" Forum where they can post items that fit that forums description. Occasionally you may see a "plug post" in there for something that will also be in the classifieds, a good example was when Bill Pemberton put in a plug for the few 2006 Blue SRT-10 convertibles they had. The Suppliers forum is not intended for items which there are categories in the classifieds, and it is not intended to be a second "classifieds" for sponsors. It is intended to be a place they can post new products and genuine specials which will stay posted rather than "quickly roll-off the front page" as they would in the general forums. Yes, sometimes there is a little confusion on this one, and we tend to err toward the site sponsors, after all, they are the ones that enable this site to be FREE for all users (not one penny of VCA member dues go to support this site).

Sponsors are also welcome to put "plug style" posts in representative forums up to twice a month. An example of this would be when George at MGW mentions he has some new SRT goodies in the SRT forums.

A side note, we do allow users that have properly posted classified ad to place a "plug post" in the appropriate forum, we do this as sort of a middle ground to help exposure for the ad since we do not allow ad itself in the forums. An example of this is Photoman's post regarding him selling his Yellow GTS which refers to his ad in the classifieds.

Hope this helps clear things up.


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
Re: 3

Thanks for the reply Jay. I completely understand now why it was deleted and will post the Corsa Exhaust in the classified area.

Kind Regards,
