The prices are indeed outrageous. Perhaps a function of demographics...the heart of the baby boom are in their 50's....many many of them successful with net worth over 30 million.
Looking lustily at muscle cars when they were pre-teens, these folks can now afford to buy the best examples of their childhood memories.....and the prices go up as far as the money supply allows it to go.
I'm in my 40's and recall going to shows with my Dad where the Model T's and the pre-depression cars of the 1920's were commanding monster bucks. Why? Because these were the cars that the guys who were 50+ years old in the 1960's wanted when they were kids.
If you exclude rods, you see very few cars from the 1920's at B-J today. There's no market for 'em. The folks who want 'em are in retirement homes or looking up at 6 feet of dirt!
I wonder what some of the $200K muscle cars will be going for in 15 years.....when the current owners try to sell them to the then-wealthy Gen X and Y folks who grew up lusting for ricers or, worse yet, hybrid vehicles!
Morale: Stick with Vipers, they don't cost $200 K and they're a blast to take down the interstate!