I think Obama since he's taking a sh#$-kicking in the polls should threaten the oil futures traders about "dumping" 20% of the strategic petroleum reserves if traders keep pushing oil up in order to help the middle-class and aid their economic recovery. He could also encourage oil drilling both on and offshore within the US borders to bring down the price of oil.
Will he do this? Probably not! He'll do something for the majority of the population as fast as he's put to bed the rumors of his foreign birth. If we had Bush or McCain or even Sarah Palin in office, they'd have pushed domestic oil production long ago and kept domestic oil producers making high margins and paying lots in tax to help government spending.
Will he do this? Probably not! He'll do something for the majority of the population as fast as he's put to bed the rumors of his foreign birth. If we had Bush or McCain or even Sarah Palin in office, they'd have pushed domestic oil production long ago and kept domestic oil producers making high margins and paying lots in tax to help government spending.