Interesting USA Today stats:
USA TODAY Snapshots -
Drive a race car = 34% (men and women)
Ride a motorcycle = 29%
Sky-dive = 28%
Run a marathon = 23%
Bungee jump = 18%
So, does driving a Viper = no regrets!?
Personally, I've ridden a motorcycle, I've sky-dived (which is more of a thrill than bungee jumping), and I have never had any interest in running a marathon (or even a 5k!) Because I drive a Viper is there nothing left to live for!
USA TODAY Snapshots -
Drive a race car = 34% (men and women)
Ride a motorcycle = 29%
Sky-dive = 28%
Run a marathon = 23%
Bungee jump = 18%
So, does driving a Viper = no regrets!?
Personally, I've ridden a motorcycle, I've sky-dived (which is more of a thrill than bungee jumping), and I have never had any interest in running a marathon (or even a 5k!) Because I drive a Viper is there nothing left to live for!