Supercharged Vipermad
I had my seats done a few weeks ago, while I had them out to install the rollbar. Had a local guy do his name from the guy who does all the paint/win/fascai work on my car. Seats turned out perfect, and I was out og pocket a total of $900. However, the red suede had a 5 yard minimum purchase, and I have several yads left over (about $300 worth, and that would be at a slightly lower cost than I had paid), relatively speaking I got my seats done for about $600. The ppicture isn't really all that great, taken with my stupid phone as my wife had the good camera for her sailing trip and still has it.
Basic red suede, perferated to match what was there. All I had him do was the 5 cushions on each seat. I could have done more...but I am on a kick to be a little more practical! LOL!!!!

Basic red suede, perferated to match what was there. All I had him do was the 5 cushions on each seat. I could have done more...but I am on a kick to be a little more practical! LOL!!!!