Joe, don't do what I did, I had only had the car 30 days before the last VOI (they only happen every two years) and I did'nt have enough info. and had just spent the money on the car...Bill Pemberton, who sold the car to me was calling.."you need to go to this man, you will be sorry" I just did not get it. Then Y2k and Liz, you guys remember?, started posting pics. LIVE FROM VOI6 on this site, the convoy there, the raffle car, the new colors we had not seen...sapphire blue with silver stripes...I'm on the phone.."I know it's half over, can I get a room, can I get a ticket, I'm a new owner." Too late! And I remember a lot of other guys on this site saying the same thing. Hey, moderators, can we resurrect some of those threads? What a great way to show these guys what they should not miss! I remember the chat back then, I was one of the negatives. Once the pics. started hitting the board there was not a one of us that was not sorry we missed it. Joe, go back to the first page of the thread and email Ron Hickey, he is MD/VA VCA pres. and our convoy organizer, we are taking a bunch of cars from MD/VA/DE... I"m looking forward to a great experience.