$85,88,95K Rejected on eBay for SRT


Viper Owner
May 27, 2001
Reaction score
chicago, IL, USA
I was the one with the Black SRT up for auction. At $95k, my reserve was not met, which is fine with me. I intend to take the car, and enjoy it. Thanks to fellow VCA members from this board, I am pretty sure that my '01 RT will be sold this weekend, which will allow me to fund the SRT. As far as my intent for going on E-Bay, it is always interesting to test the waters. Afterall, if someone really wanted to pay $125K to have one of the first cars, let them have it. This would mean that I could keep my RT, and then afford an '04 SRT. I realize this was not the intent of the program, but it was worth a shot. In the end, I think the certificate program worked.

A couple of things about e-bay: Remember just because it was listed does not mean that it sold. Also, the auction about the "Right to buy the car" that sold at $30K - I think this may have been a hoax, or the result of a phony bid or the seller having a friend bid up the auction. It looks like it has been relisted in the last day or so (same phone #). Not to mention that this seller sent me a note stating that they had a car inbound (assume not yet re-sold).

P.S. Remember, if your SRT won't start - stop turning the key, and press that bid red start button.

Happy Motoring.


'03 SRT Black (Arrived 12/21/02.to be picked up this Saturday!!)
'03 RAM Hemi (On order)
'02 Thunderbird
'01 RT/10 Yellow (Hopefully sold soon)
'01 Explorer
'94 RT/10 Black (Sold)
'98 Porsche Boxster
'91 Bentley Turbo R
Tom and Vipers

Tom and Vipers

Nov 22, 2000
Reaction score
Jeannette, PA 15644
Completed auctions with reserve not met.


We need to get some info from dealer auctions, especially Manheim High Lines.

The BMW Z8 did $200k for 1-2 weeks and then that was it. (Its a $125k car)

There was also a completed auction for $30k to buy at invoice. So that is at least $105k without any sales taxes.

Actually, the shipping date on these cars is pretty good because they will be arriving into the spring pickup.