After spotting a drip of antifreeze coming from the rear of the engine about a month ago, I did an inspection to find out where it was coming from. Looked like there was seeping from the head gasket above the starter, the usual symptom for the Gen I. Interestingly enough, and here is the FYI, when I removed the coolant crossover housing from the heads, the drivers side gasket was shot. I am convinced that the leak originated from there, and made its way down the head and block so as to look like a bad head gasket. I realize that the head gaskets on the Gen I's should be changed, and I am close to finishing the job, but I just thought I would pass this along. Additionally, both head gaskets actually looked great. BTW, there are 23,000 miles on the car. Finally, thanks to all of you who posted helpful hints, and of course to Chuck Tator who is so helpful with everything!!