My trailering attempt was a complete cluster F%&#. The car hauler I had rented had way to steep of a ramp, and there was no way to drive my car up the ramp without severe damage. The trailer itself was pretty high off the ground. The renter didn't want me using additional wood planks in fear that they might snap, or the tires would skid them back off the steel ramp, causing a crash condition. His proposal was to try a different trailer that tilted. It was kind of like a giant snowmobile tilt trailer. I got the car on it just fine, but could not open the door (trailer fender in the way) once the car was on. I could climb out the window, but there was not way to close the window, and since this was going to be a 4 day journey, i needed the windows closed. So next we added about a half inch of ply wood under the front tires to hopefully get the door above the trailer fender. It wasn't quite high enough, and the renter didn't feel comfortable lifting it up any higher. So after a couple hours of screwing around, i drove the viper to Gingerman and then on to the Tire Rack, and back to Milwaukee. Just like last year. It was a great weekend regardless. This trailer thing is going to have to be a winter project or something. I'd like to have one custom made to some personal specs. Thanks for all the input though, sorry i couldn't have put it to better use!!!