SoCal Rebell
A local club I run with has expanded it's schedule to include some east & midwest venues including Sebring, TWS, Heartland, Roebling, Putnam Park, Moroso, Road America, Mosport as well as the usual westcoast tracks. Check out the above website, they are a great bunch of guys and our team will be wearing their T-shirts at OTC.
Next event is Sebring the weekend of March 29th & 30th (Chuck RT/10) full 3.7 mile ALMS conf., $375 for the weekend or $250 for 1 day. Lots of seat time, ride alongs OK, instruction available for new comers in a very relaxed atmoshere. Transponders available, all info is on website including sign up, schedules and times from past events, check it out.
Ron SoCal Rebell (winner T-4 class in SV points 2002)
Next event is Sebring the weekend of March 29th & 30th (Chuck RT/10) full 3.7 mile ALMS conf., $375 for the weekend or $250 for 1 day. Lots of seat time, ride alongs OK, instruction available for new comers in a very relaxed atmoshere. Transponders available, all info is on website including sign up, schedules and times from past events, check it out.
Ron SoCal Rebell (winner T-4 class in SV points 2002)