Viper Wizard
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Ditto Chuck!! Good luck!we're pulling for you chuck
The part I don't understand, and haven't heard any explanation for is this:
How do the car companies think this will save them money? I realize there must be some expense to support a dealer, but isn't this cost relative to the sales volume?
I cannot imagine Tator's costing Chrysler much money, and relative to the good will he generates it's crazy to terminate that relationship.
Large volume dealerships generate more sales volume, but this doesn't come in a vacuum.
Do the small volume dealerships take sales from large volume dealerships, or from competitive brands?
If you lived in smalltown USA, and there wasn't a Chrysler dealership, would you travel a long distance, or simply buy a Ford or Chevy? Vipers are different, as in this market buyers are more brand loyal, but if there are no dealerships people still won't buy.
If I was currently contemplating buying a new Viper, traveling a long distance to get it is one thing, but local service is important too.
Mike Dolan
The part I don't understand, and haven't heard any explanation for is this:
How do the car companies think this will save them money? I realize there must be some expense to support a dealer, but isn't this cost relative to the sales volume?
I cannot imagine Tator's costing Chrysler much money, and relative to the good will he generates it's crazy to terminate that relationship.
Large volume dealerships generate more sales volume, but this doesn't come in a vacuum.
Do the small volume dealerships take sales from large volume dealerships, or from competitive brands?
If you lived in smalltown USA, and there wasn't a Chrysler dealership, would you travel a long distance, or simply buy a Ford or Chevy? Vipers are different, as in this market buyers are more brand loyal, but if there are no dealerships people still won't buy.
If I was currently contemplating buying a new Viper, traveling a long distance to get it is one thing, but local service is important too.
Mike Dolan
Nobody wants to say the obvious answer, but I will.
This was all about favoritism. Nothing more.
The same number of cars are being sold, just from different dealers. Service has shifted from some dealers to others. Some dealers were the fall guys, as it was made to appear that THEY were the ones that caused the company to go under.
It is similar to when a law firm starts to go under. What do they (the partners) do? Fire the associates. Why? Place the blame elsewhere instead of the decision makers.
That is last thing I would do if my firm (1000 lawyers) God forbid, started to go under. The associates are the ones who work the hardest and are paid the least --I am tossing the non productive partners if the ship is going down. Probably different in a smaller firm.
Nice to hear! I'm sure you've heard the stories of various associate cutbacks in recent times, all too many of them due to "poor performance", but really the poor performance was on the partners who failed to properly manage their business and who failed by letting these people go with unwarranted blemishes on their professional records.
By jove I think he's got it. In NYC, partners don't want the fight between each other, so they get rid of associates. Easier and quicker. Thousands are without jobs. Only White and Case in NY has taken the step of getting rid of partners who don't bring in work or don't bill.
It doesn't help that law firms appear to be poorly managed generally as businesses. I suspect this has something to do with rainmakers rise up high and run things (which makes sense to a degree, since they should be involved in managing the work they have accumulated), but rainmaking ability does not equate with managerial ability. Too often I see partners with a big book of business and a correspondingly big attitude end up in charge, to the detriment of the overall operation.
Ok, now it's getting personal........
Haha, I was waiting for you to take the bait!
I started to say "I resemble that remark."