After I purchased my Viper, I gave my wife a ride in it. Attempting to impress her, I gunned the throttle going around a corner in an attempt to do a F$&@ing Tokyo Drift and wound up facing oncoming traffic at which point I was screamed at and slapped repeatedly. Later, she wanted to drive it but couldn't press the clutch in all the way with the seat all the way up. I could have adjusted the pedals to accommodate her, but I kept that feature to myself and expressed great sympathy that she was unable to drive it. I then proceeded to spend an exorbitant amount of time waxing and babying the car...time she thought could have been spent snuggling on the couch with her watching Bachelorette and that stupid Amazing Race with all the freakazoid couples. She tried to go to a few car shows with me, but it was hot and boring and I couldn't really wander around an shoot the $hit like I normally I quit going. At the moment, we are in the process of buying a smaller house with more land because I have kids who are going to college and we don't need a big ass house and I can't stand HOA's and I want to build a giant shop to have another Viper and a car lift and just more stuff in general. She was pissed at me for a week because I shot down all her favorite houses because the driveways were too steep and would not accommodate my Viper. She claims "everything revolves around your F@&$ing car". After what seemed an eternity, we finally found what we both can live with. Now, she finds extreme enjoyment looking over my shoulder with a glass of wine in her hand pointing all the dirt that I've missed when I clean my car. Her eyes miss nothing when it comes to a flaw on my car. I love it.