I recently heard that some insurance appraisers get aftermarket parts quotes off ebay, check out message boards, etc. Be careful what you post. There is an edit/ delete option for your posts, just so you know.
Timing, awards, all that stuff is inconsequential. Regular insurance ends the minute your vehicle enters the competitor area. Even the guy taking water to the corner workers is not covered.
A good rule of thumb is, if you have to sign a waiver to get there, you won't be insured once inside.
Timing, awards, all that stuff is inconsequential. Regular insurance ends the minute your vehicle enters the competitor area. Even the guy taking water to the corner workers is not covered.
A good rule of thumb is, if you have to sign a waiver to get there, you won't be insured once inside.
I disagree with the above. I have run many a drivers ed as an organizor & instructor as well as a participant.. I have seen at least 20 claims that have been paid & 2 that have been denied. The Porsche club of america calls thier events drivers education for that very reason & states in the sups that NO TIMING OR RACING IS ALLOWED. Many private events say the same. The fact that you sign a waiver to get into the track is that you ARE now covered by the liability insurance that is provided by the organization or the track itself, which in most cases also provides catostrophic accident insurance. The only coverage that I have seen denied was USAA & Progressive.
The old days of covering the car with a tarp & paying the tow driver to throw it in the ditch ended with digital cameras. Your car was probably on a web sight 1/2 hour after your accident.
If it was truly during instruction period and the track wasn't full of other cars, I would get someone to fight it for you that has experience fighting Ins. Co's.!
You know the rule of Ins. Co's deny coverage 1st. Then see what happens!!