ACR Shock Rattle - No Resolution In Sight


Oct 6, 2000
Reaction score
Newtown, PA
I've waited patiently for about 18 months for the factory to define and authorize modification to eliminate the subject rattle. Unfortunately, over this period of time virtually nothing has been accomplished.

First I understood that the all four shocks/springs were to be replaced but a part number was required to order the new parts. I also learned that the option to install the standard GTS setup was also available but that is not really an option for me at all. I most recently learned that the factory was now only authorizing replacement of the rear shocks/springs which raises concerns about calibration and performance consistency. Still no part number so when such repairs might be performed is anyone's guess.

I finally called the factory and found them to be courteous but hardly helpful. They simply parroted back what the Dealership had told me previously.

I really like this car and want to keep it but I cannot tolerate the shock rattle any longer. Any suggestions as to how I might rectify this condition. Sans an expedient and effective resolution, it's 2001 ACR for me. Bill Pemberton here I come ......