I've seen the ACR stripe done in vinyl that looked much better than the factory ACR stripe that's been on some '08 ACRs. Nothing wrong with vinyl stripes if done right. Find an experienced and reputable installer.
I Think your ride looks sweet and they do look good to the average person, but right from the picture I wouldn't be satisfied with them You can see the red paint on the bumper-hood body line in front.Those who are slamming vinyl stripes have obviously never seen a car with them properly installed. I have never had a single negative comment by anyone who's seen mine in person. In fact, I have had MANY comments that mine look BETTER than painted.
Besides the obvious benefit of being able to remove them, you can also do a true flat finish (mine are flat black). Painted on stripes can be done in flat but will still appear glossy when covered with clear. You just can't get the same visual effect that the flat vinyl stripes give.
georgethedog, you should check mine out in person before giving up on the vinyl plans, if you are over near the STL area.
I Think your ride looks sweet and they do look good to the average person, but right from the picture I wouldn't be satisfied with them You can see the red paint on the bumper-hood body line in front.
I agree with Nine-ball, It should be painted on.
Those who are slamming vinyl stripes have obviously never seen a car with them properly installed. I have never had a single negative comment by anyone who's seen mine in person. In fact, I have had MANY comments that mine look BETTER than painted.
Besides the obvious benefit of being able to remove them, you can also do a true flat finish (mine are flat black). Painted on stripes can be done in flat but will still appear glossy when covered with clear. You just can't get the same visual effect that the flat vinyl stripes give.
georgethedog, you should check mine out in person before giving up on the vinyl plans, if you are over near the STL area.