At first, I was confused by the ACR's stated top speed of 177 to 180. According to the data given by SRT, I'd guesstimated it would be around 188.
However, when you look at '08 dyno runs and the gearing in 5th, you see that the car isn't putting down a lot of power at 180 mph due to the low RPM. I think with a bit more power to push into the higher RPM ranges, the ACR could see a significantly higher top speed.
I'd really like to see some wind tunnel data from SRT, though. I wonder what removing the front splitter, reducing the angle of attack of the wing and maybe adjusting rake would do? I'm sure they've played with all that stuff. I don't have my car yet, but it would be nice to have a variety of aero-balanced setups to choose from ranging from low to high downforce.