It seems to me that until there is a head to head comparison on the same dynamometer of the Belanger headers with these headers using the same car, the data on the other thread is insufficient to make an informed decision about which header is better and for what purpose. Keep in mind that the ACRX is an offroad car with no cats, forged pistons and an offroad controller. One other thing. If I remember correctly, the Belanger headers have now been running on Gen IVs for more than a year. There have been no posts that I am aware of indicating any problems for those running the Belanger headers with the Mopar controller and only an occasional engine warning light issue reported for those who are running the stock controller. Other than a few isolated dyno tests and on track experiences with the ACRX, what other data is available for the new headers?
Disclaimer. I do not know Mr. Belanger and I do not have after market headers on any of my vehicles. I make this post because I see people running down the road waiving their money above their head and the data seems pretty preliminary to me.