Luckily, with a blower, you have time to look at gauges.
Luckily, with a blower, you have time to look at gauges.
Dude give me a freakin break! No need for you to slam everyone that doesn't have a TT setup like yours. Not everyone chooses to go that route. Time for you to get off your horse and come back down to earth.![]()
Yeah, come on Chad.. Back down to earth a little now buddy..
You are a GOD amongst us mortals..![]()
Luckily, with a blower, you have time to look at gauges.
Luckily, with a blower, you have time to look at gauges.
Dude give me a freakin break! No need for you to slam everyone that doesn't have a TT setup like yours. Not everyone chooses to go that route. Time for you to get off your horse and come back down to earth.![]()
Luckily, with a blower, you have time to look at gauges.
Dude give me a freakin break! No need for you to slam everyone that doesn't have a TT setup like yours. Not everyone chooses to go that route. Time for you to get off your horse and come back down to earth.![]()
Easy Brian, where did that come from?
Luckily, with a blower, you have time to look at gauges.
Girls, the smilies just aren't worth the effort on this site. All 4 of them are terrible, otherwise there would have been a smilie.
Shelby, touche. Girls, should I cry?
My post was funny. The only ones who got bent were Unltd racers (and Gerald, what a surprise). I annihilated the class in ONE race. Big deal. You guys will all be back with your top secret this and thats to take me down so what's the big deal? Get over it. The leader gets to have fun too.
As for guages, there was a boost guage Velcroed to my steering column that would slide off on turns. It was really cool. I'd personally suggest no guages and get it tuned by someone you don't have to worry about keeping an eye on. Especially on the street, running WOT (even on a blower car) and looking down at guages is probably a bad idea, don't you think?
Girls, the smilies just aren't worth the effort on this site. All 4 of them are terrible, otherwise there would have been a smilie.
Shelby, touche. Girls, should I cry?
My post was funny. The only ones who got bent were Unltd racers (and Gerald, what a surprise). I annihilated the class in ONE race. Big deal. You guys will all be back with your top secret this and thats to take me down so what's the big deal? Get over it. The leader gets to have fun too.
As for guages, there was a boost guage Velcroed to my steering column that would slide off on turns. It was really cool. I'd personally suggest no guages and get it tuned by someone you don't have to worry about keeping an eye on. Especially on the street, running WOT (even on a blower car) and looking down at guages is probably a bad idea, don't you think?
Girls, the smilies just aren't worth the effort on this site. All 4 of them are terrible, otherwise there would have been a smilie.
Shelby, touche. Girls, should I cry?
My post was funny. The only ones who got bent were Unltd racers (and Gerald, what a surprise). I annihilated the class in ONE race. Big deal. You guys will all be back with your top secret this and thats to take me down so what's the big deal? Get over it. The leader gets to have fun too.
As for guages, there was a boost guage Velcroed to my steering column that would slide off on turns. It was really cool. I'd personally suggest no guages and get it tuned by someone you don't have to worry about keeping an eye on. Especially on the street, running WOT (even on a blower car) and looking down at guages is probably a bad idea, don't you think?
cccmmmmmoooon "The Chad"....What a suprise? Chad, you, between the lines have been bashing other ppls setup for months. Trust us, we can all read between the lines. I'm sure most everyone feels like I do, I just make it a little more vocal. You see what you get. I don't have a problem with your TT's, your choice of Tuner, even your actions, or anything like that. Don't make it into that.... I think I talk for most everyone when I say your head has more HP than your engine. Nothing more annoying than swaping posts with an egomaniac, buddy.![]()
It's not too late, come back to the living bro.![]()
.. And I'll see you at the next run of the V10 nats
Since we are talking about gauges again, here's what works for me:
a - Cudaman hit it right - video is cool. and it is easier than looking at the laptop.
b - Datalogging. It doesn't matter what the car was tuned for... it will be different on track day. I do this too.
c - real-time adjustment. You need to be able to do this. I had my a/f tuned _perfectly_ before bradenton. But at the track, the conditions were SO good that my a/f ratio was WAY off. So I adjusted it on the fly. See points a and b above for help.
d - knowledge is power (literally). An a/f of 11.5:1 today might mean 10:1 tomorrow or 13.5:1 on wed. bad, bad, bad. gotta know what is going on to be able to make adjustments. Anyone who just runs what they brung b/c it was tuned once, unless tuned EXTREMELY conservatively is playing with fire and (potentially) leaving power on the table.
e - boost is a good gauge to have on a blower car (less important on a turbo) b/c belts will slip. On my last run in bradenton, i reviewed the data-logging and the vid tape and saw the boost gauge jumping around a little. I checked the belt and it looked fine. I checked again b/c I didn't believe it was fine and i saw that it was not fine. wouldn't have noticed w/o the datalogging.
f - I know I'm a novice and have a lot to learn. And I know my driving needs help. So the more knowledge i can have going into things, the better off I am.