Has anyone changed air filter on 08 to a K&N or other if so what effect and part # please.
PS anyone have any pics of the 08 smooth tubes
Also the last thing i want to do is hurt business but below is a quote from one of our sponsors service manager....
"The changes in the smooth tubes will more than likely throw a CEL from values that are out of spec. This comes straight from the SRT group."
Has anyone has this issue
I find it hard to believe that using smooth tubes will throw a code.
And since the '08 has a MAF sensor, shouldn't it just recalibrate the air/ fuel mixture if there is some increased flow?
If the filters do create a CHECK ENGINE LIGHT is it worth creating an ISSUE which could possibly (depending upon the customers relationship with his dealer )VOID the stock warranty for a FEW horsepower on a car that already MAKES OVER 600.For smooth tube to create a significant change in engine performance and get a CEL sounds like an excellent upgrade, although I thought gains were insignificant? The SRT engineer said that the stock filters have been upgraded to the cotton style to prevent waterdamage.
PS the itonic part with any power add os for an 08 (esp in cooler weather )is at the power level the cars at bone stock all but an EXPERT level driver can not hook the thing anyway on stock tires yet everyone wants more.
Theoretically speaking, when the factory does calibrations, I'm sure they have set a certain operating range (volume of air allowed at each RPM/throttle position), and if the MAF picked up any amount of flow over the specified parameter, I'm sure that could set off a CEL. Just thinking aloud...