Re: ALERT !! Exhaust Banning in Mass by *** Representative Liz Malia
I sent her this:
I have read your proposed legislation regarding aftermarket exhausts. May I suggest that you consider revising the bill to limit exhausts to not exceed a specific noise level. Enforcement of the proposed bill puts every law enforcement official in the position of becoming an expert on what is an OEM exhaust and what aftermarket. A clever installer can make the aftermarket system look stock, or can make a stock system much louder, without any external clues.
A noise level restriction will allow any law enforcement official, or inspection station, to identify the violators without debate as to the condition of the exhaust.
and got this back:
Thank you for your thoughtful suggestions. I cannot respond to each and every email personally, but because you took the time to be helpful rather than just critical, I wanted to send a quick note.
We are looking into other alternatives, and it should be clear that our intention is to enhance quality of life in our urban neighborhoods by limiting the use of the mufflers that simply amplify their sound. While it is already illegal to use these mufflers here in Massachusetts, it becomes very difficult for the police to enforce. We are working closely with local police to enhance those efforts.
I appreciate your position and can assure you that we are still redrafting new alternatives, so as not to adversely affect those folks that use after-market mufflers responsibly.
FYI - Roy