Hey guys! We NEED people to get events together down in South Jersey! The reason the events usually take place in North or Central (and of course Pocono, and Lime Rock) is because it seems those persons that are willing to volunteer to coordinate, are more familiar with those territories. We did have a volunteer last year (Mike Rubin...where are you?) who requested to take that responsibility...but obviously his priorities changed....so
coordinate away! We'll even make up business cards with your new title "S. Jersey Event Coordinator"!!!! Adel will be glad to put any and all events in our regional newsletter, on our website, and even mail out a specific event mailer. Your wish is our command! Heck, that's what we're here for! We have some very loyal South Jersey members (Joe Jacovini sometimes travel over 100 miles to attend our events), and I would love to have HIM, and all other Southern Jersey members, be the ones that can roll out the door 5 minutes before an event!
Please feel free to call me or Adel anytime! We'd be glad to do ALL the work. Just need your help picking the venue.