Looking to paint it along with door handle-surrounds.
I have one that was painted black. It was the gray fuzzy. It will need to be redone. What is it worth?
well given the radio bezel alone goes for $150 used and the door handle peices $100 used...who knows what the dasha and the whole set would go for...
well given the radio bezel alone goes for $150 used and the door handle peices $100 used...who knows what the dasha and the whole set would go for...
got one ...your a piece of work. Just six months ago I posted looking for a dash. SDADDY posts back that he's got a dash, and door surrounds all for $150. Before I could buy you responded and bought it...fine. But where do you get off " the radio bezel alone goes for $150,...who knows what the dash and the whole set would go for..." .
Maybe your post should've gone something like 'I got a great deal from a post like this ....all for a $150'.
what an .........