mike & juli
PM'd STUGOTS, but we haven't heard back how his Dad was doing...was dx'd with lymphoma and also had aorta problems....anybody know how STUGOTS is doing or his Dad? Hope all is well....~juli~
Thanks for all the caring and support, Sorry I have not been around as of late been running ragged with doctors and all (as a matter of fact Chuck Tator was the one who told me about this thread since I have not been on here)
My dad is doing ok, WE think the chemo is working since he can now eat, where before because of the location of the tumor he could not so thats a GREAT sign, the doctor can't say for sure its working until the cat scan results are compared with the old ones, (he can't say for insurance reasons) but off the record he told us that theres not doubt in his mind that it is working. He had his 2nd treatment the other day and was pretty sick for 4 days after which is normal and TODAY he went to work LOL so hes doing better I'd say.
Thank you ALL very much for your continued support, there are alot of really good people on here and for that I thank you all.
Thank you all very much I'll keep you all posted, Hes going for the cat scan in 3 weeks and we will have the REAL answers there.
Thanks for being there in a time like this THAT means more then anything.