Stu, You *******.
You just lost your entire being. Your life is going to go down the drain. Your kids who love you, will only see you behind bars or a glass window. Your wife, who depended on you, will be broken hearted at raising the children by herself, she will have lost her best friend... and she will eventually leave you. Not only will your life now be torn apart, but your kids lives, and your wife's life, has forever changed. Even your dog will miss you.
You were wrong, someone here on the board DID decide to run and tell on you. He is going to demolish your entire being. Everything you stood for is now going to be ruined. Everyone who has depended on you, will look down upon you. Why couldn't you be like the rest of us and play by the rules? You think any of us ever did anything stupid we are glad we didn't get caught for? Like cheating on our spouse, doing harmless drugs, being a little too drunk to drive, going much faster than the speed limit where we would be arrested on the spot, or anything like that? Well if you do, you are obviously mistaken.