Apologies for not staying \"on topic\"
OK first off, I'd like to apologize to the masses that I offend by shooting my danged mouth off when I see people preaching and claiming their word is fact. In truth, that's my issue and not theirs. To them, I apologize. Secondly, I am a great poker of fun at others and love nothing more than to make a fool a myself for the laughter of others. I espouse and practice that one should never, ever take themselves too seriously. Please note that while I mean no offense, if you post something that is wrong, if you state that something is a tautology and it is not, or if you practice fear-tactics and "preacher-isms", I will call you on it. But it is not because I mean you ill or wish to attack you, it is because I find it humorous and am poking fun. Nothing more.
With sincere respect for everyone who posts on this forum,
Luciano Leone (aka Lou, aka "LLEONE")
OK first off, I'd like to apologize to the masses that I offend by shooting my danged mouth off when I see people preaching and claiming their word is fact. In truth, that's my issue and not theirs. To them, I apologize. Secondly, I am a great poker of fun at others and love nothing more than to make a fool a myself for the laughter of others. I espouse and practice that one should never, ever take themselves too seriously. Please note that while I mean no offense, if you post something that is wrong, if you state that something is a tautology and it is not, or if you practice fear-tactics and "preacher-isms", I will call you on it. But it is not because I mean you ill or wish to attack you, it is because I find it humorous and am poking fun. Nothing more.
With sincere respect for everyone who posts on this forum,
Luciano Leone (aka Lou, aka "LLEONE")