With OBD systems, you really don't have "chips" anymore that you can plug in and test.
You really have two options:
1. PCM reflash (reprogram), which is great if you know EXACTLY where to set the mapping.
2. An OBD system compatable "calibrator" which allows you to adjust the load calibration (shown as a percentage when using a scan tool), thus adjusting the air fuel ratio and ignition timing. This can be an extremely effective tool to use on Vipers and other speed density system cars where they are programmed to otherwise run very rich with little spark advance at wide open throttle.
Here's a link to our website which shows what we have to offer in the way of a calibrator.
http://www.roeracing.com/index.html?token=974781757-1144410167-1631977245&A=24&B=Viper%20Engine%20Calibrator . Otherwise, I'm not sure if there's anybody out there doing reflashes on the dual PCM's the 1992 to 1995 uses. 1996 uses 1 PCM and is OBD2.