Well, as a past (local Treasurer) and present (local President) officer, I would like to make a few comments.
First off, I think the organization goes far beyond this web site. I thought that "suspending" certain members from the site was a mistake, but hindsight is indeed 20/20. However, if this website were an exclusive benefit to VCA members, I would say that it was not worth the $100. Don't get me wrong, the web site is a GREAT place to hang out and talk Vipers. However in its current form it provides little benefit to the VCA member over a non-member Viper owner. Basically, an avatar and I think some uploading capabilities (and free classified ads - which is a VERY good deal when it comes time to upgrade your Viper).
So, putting the website aside, there are a ton of reasons to join the VCA. They have been listed before, but I would emphasize a few right here:
1. The discounts given by most of the Viper vendors to VCA members (pays for your membership real quickly).
2. VIPER Magazine, national newsletters, and regional newsletters.
3. Viper raffles. While not for everybody, you MUST be a VCA member to purchase a ticket.
4. Local events. While we have certainly welcomed some non-members to some of our events (one Lotus seems to show up at all of them), we don't advertise them and unless you are a VCA member, you are unlikely to hear about them or get an invite.
The fifth reason and one that deserves a paragraph all of its own is the SRT. Did VCA members get "first in line"? Doesn't sound like it. I don't remember any promises or indications we would, but that is okay by me either way. What IS absolutely critical is that being a member of the VCA gives you a very strong voice with DC that you would probably not have otherwise (unless you are Jay Leno). It is interesting to read almost every review of the SRT and see "the Viper Nation" referenced,
Sports Car International being the most recent. Almost without exception, the reviewer notes that the SRT is the product of what current Viper owners have been asking for. And who represents those owners the majority of the time? The VCA. While I don't doubt that many non-members have written letters and made calls to suggest improvements, I would almost guarantee that none of them carry the weight of the VCA (unless you are Jay Leno
). The bottom line is that this is one of the very few consistent reviews I have read where the owners input really did affect the final product (with the possible exception of the actual look of the car). Those owners are represented by the VCA, just as our elected officials represent us in Congress, etc.
A final comment on the lack of communication from DC and the hints from people "in the know". I am as frustrated as anybody here. I recently sold my pride and joy to make room for what I hope is a not-too-far-off SRT. So unlike many here, I am completely Viperless right now and it *****. I don't care if they release it next week or next March, I just want to know what is happening. The problem is that the information could potentially cause more problems than what it is worth. We have figured out that the emissions issue is probably not the big problem. The heat issue is a known problem, so that could be the bulk of it. But what if it is a bit more? What if there was a mechanical problem that causes the car to put out only 460 hp? What if there is a problem with the rear end that causes it to fail under heavy load? None of these problems are real as far as I know, but what if they were? The heat issue alone is making Dodge look bad in the press and really taking away from this car. It has already shown skidpad numbers that are nothing less than stunning (1.15 g) and braking that is absolutely world-class. Yet the car gets mediocre reviews because of the heat issues. Just imagine if it got out that there was a more serious problem with the car (and I am NOT saying there is). It could practically KILL the car - and perhaps the entire Viper program - if a major problem were made public. We are not talking about a mass-produced car here, but a niche vehicle that is very expensive to build. Poor press and I suspect you would see no more Vipers in any flavor.
Anyway, that is just my opinion. I appreciate the "hints" no matter how vague or accurate. I hope that we hear some good news in the not-too-distant future.