Just a heads up to all those who have ordered these while Woodhouse has been out there mounts.
So I'm doing my motor mount install and I get the first OEM one out. It's kinda jacked up which I figured it was. I grab one of the new ones and start to mount it back to the bracket. As I'm messing around with it I notice some small tears/rips in the poly. I'm thinking this is kinda weird. I go grab the other one, same thing. So I stopped everything and sent an email off to polybushings. I knew I wasn't gonna get a response as it was Memorial day.
Here's what I sent:
I bought your set of Viper poly engine bushing last week. I went to put them in and I noticed it looks like the poly is already cracked. Is this normal? I know how much stress things things go through so I don't wanna put them in if they are gonna rip like the OEM's I just took out.
I get this response the next day:
We found a flaw in the Viper engine mount mold. It is not a deep "crack". I am concerned, but have had only one go bad in the last batch. Go ahead and use it BUT if you have a problem with it I WILL replace it with one from my next batch that has the mold repaired.
I declined this offer and just asked for a refund when they gets these mounts back which they agreed to.
Pics (sorry about the quality, had to use the camera phone):
If you haven't put yours in yet please check them!!!!!
So I'm doing my motor mount install and I get the first OEM one out. It's kinda jacked up which I figured it was. I grab one of the new ones and start to mount it back to the bracket. As I'm messing around with it I notice some small tears/rips in the poly. I'm thinking this is kinda weird. I go grab the other one, same thing. So I stopped everything and sent an email off to polybushings. I knew I wasn't gonna get a response as it was Memorial day.
Here's what I sent:
I bought your set of Viper poly engine bushing last week. I went to put them in and I noticed it looks like the poly is already cracked. Is this normal? I know how much stress things things go through so I don't wanna put them in if they are gonna rip like the OEM's I just took out.
I get this response the next day:
We found a flaw in the Viper engine mount mold. It is not a deep "crack". I am concerned, but have had only one go bad in the last batch. Go ahead and use it BUT if you have a problem with it I WILL replace it with one from my next batch that has the mold repaired.
I declined this offer and just asked for a refund when they gets these mounts back which they agreed to.
Pics (sorry about the quality, had to use the camera phone):
If you haven't put yours in yet please check them!!!!!